The Influence of Green Brand Positioning towards Consumer’s Brand Preference (A Survey of Consumer’s Brand Preference towards Zara through the Green Brand Positioning in their Join Life Collection in Indonesia)
Rania Irziah Irmawan, Lidwina Mutia Sadasri, S.I.P., M.A
2024 | Skripsi | Ilmu Komunikasi
Studi ini menyelidiki preferensi merek konsumen di Zara, sebuah merek fast fashion multinasional, dengan fokus khusus pada posisi merek hijau dalam koleksi Join Life. Dengan menganalisis preferensi untuk merek secara keseluruhan dan koleksi tertentu ini, penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas posisi merek hijau Zara di tengah reputasi negatif industri fast fashion dan kekhawatiran lingkungan. Mengakui potensi masalah greenwashing, pemahaman preferensi konsumen menjadi sangat penting. Studi ini menggunakan kerangka posisi merek hijau sebagai variabel independen, memeriksa kesan kognitif tentang kepedulian lingkungan dan komunikasi aktif terhadap upaya pesaing. Preferensi merek berfungsi sebagai variabel dependen, menekankan kemampuan Zara untuk terhubung melalui persepsi, identitas, kesadaran, ikatan emosional, dan manfaat unik. Melibatkan survei kuesioner dengan 400 responden, yang didistribusikan selama bulan November hingga Desember 2023, studi ini mengungkapkan korelasi positif dan moderat sebesar 0,351, menunjukkan pengaruh signifikan dari posisi merek hijau Zara terhadap preferensi merek konsumen, meskipun stigma negatif yang mengelilingi industri mode, terutama industri fast fashion. Mengkonfirmasi Hipotesis 1 (H1), analisis regresi menghasilkan nilai R-Squared sebesar 12,3%, mengkonfirmasi dampak pada preferensi merek konsumen.
This study delves into consumer brand preferences within Zara, a multinational fast-fashion brand, with a specific focus on its green brand positioning within the Join Life collection. Analyzing preferences for both the overall brand and this particular collection, the research aims to evaluate the efficacy of Zara's green brand positioning amid the fast-fashion industry's negative reputation and environmental concerns. Recognizing the potential issue of greenwashing, understanding consumer preferences becomes pivotal. The study employs the green brand positioning framework as the independent variable, examining cognitive impressions of environmental friendliness and active communication against competitors' efforts. Brand preference serves as the dependent variable, emphasizing Zara's ability to connect through perception, identity, awareness, emotional ties, and unique benefits. Involving a questionnaire survey with 400 respondents, which was distributed through the month of November to December of 2023, the study unveils a positive and moderate correlation of 0.351, indicating a significant influence of Zara's green brand positioning on consumers' brand preference, despite the negative stigmatization that revolves around the fashion industry, especially the fast-fashion industry. Substantiating Hypothesis 1 (H1), the regression analysis yields an R-Squared value of 12.3%, affirming the impact on consumers' brand preference.
Kata Kunci : Join Life, fast-fashion, green brand positioning, brand preference