Pendidikan Jesuit dan Politik: Peran Paradigma Pedagogi Ignatian Sebagai Sarana Sosialisasi Politik dalam Membentuk Tipologi Preferensi Politik Mahasiswa Lulusan Kolese (Fenomenologi Lima Mahasiswa Lulusan Lembaga Pendidikan Jesuit)
Marshel Leonard Nanlohy, Dr. Ratnawati, S.U.
2023 | Skripsi | ILMU PEMERINTAHAN
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai perilaku politik mahasiswa lulusan lembaga pendidikan Jesuit (kolese). Melalui wawancara dengan lima narasumber, penelitian ini berupaya menemukan peran Paradigma Pedagogi Ignatian (PPI) sebagai sarana sosialisasi politik yang digunakan oleh kolese untuk memenuhi perannya sebagai agen sosialisasi politik. Dampak sosialisasi politik melalui nilai PPI dilihat berdasarkan jawaban wawancara lima narasumber. Sehubungan pengalaman masing-masing individu, penelitian ini menjelaskan apakah sosialisasi politik dalam lingkungan pendidikan berperan penting dalam membentuk preferensi politik mahasiswa lulusan kolese. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dan pendekatan fenomenologi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui dua kategori, yaitu primer dan sekunder. Data primer akan dihimpun melalui proses wawancara dengan 6 narasumber. Adapun narasumber yang dimaksud terdiri dari 5 orang mahasiswa lulusan kolese dan 1 orang pemuka Agama Katolik (Romo Jesuit). Sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh melalui temuan pendukung yang didapatkan pada media online, buku, jurnal, dan naskah akademik lainnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori perilaku pemilih, sosialisasi politik, dan Paradigma Pedagogi Ignatian. Teori tersebut kemudian dirumuskan melalui empat pendekatan perilaku pemilih, yakni struktural, sosiologis, psikologis, dan pilihan rasional. Pendekatan perilaku pemilih digunakan untuk menganalisis tipologi perilaku pemilih yang dimiliki oleh kelima narasumber. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa preferensi politik mahasiswa lulusan kolese terbentuk oleh beberapa faktor yang melekat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Lingkungan keluarga dan pendidikan merupakan dua temuan utama yang dapat memengaruhi preferensi politik narasumber. Nilai PPI sebagai sarana sosialisasi politik di kolese berperan signifikan dalam membentuk preferensi politik kelima narasumber. Pendidikan politik yang didapatkan di luar lingkungan keluarga terbukti mampu membentuk, bahkan mengubah, preferensi politik yang dimiliki oleh mahasiswa lulusan kolese. Sebagai salah satu agen sosialisasi politik, kolese mampu memberikan pendidikan politik melalui Paradigma Pedagogi Ignatian (PPI) sebagai sebuah pendekatan. Nilai PPI yang merupakan unsur ajaran Agama Katolik dapat ditransformasikan menjadi sarana sosialisasi politik di kolese, sehingga PPI dapat diterapkan di sekolah-sekolah Jesuit sebagai tolak ukur bagi peserta didiknya dalam membentuk dan menentukan preferensi (figur) pemimpin yang ideal.
This thesis discusses political behavior and tendencies of students who graduated from Jesuit educational institutions (kolese). Through interviews with five direct sources, this research seeks to discover the role of the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm (IPP) as a means of political socialization that were used by kolese to fulfill their role as agents of political socialization. The impact of political socialization through IPP values will be looked at based on data from each of the five sources’ answers. Each individual source has their own background and experience. In connection with the diversity each individual possesses, this research will explain whether political socialization in an educational environment still has an important role in shaping the political preferences of students from Jesuit kolese. This research is conducted through qualitative methods with a phenomenology approach. Data collection was done in two categories of sources, namely primary and secondary. Primary data was collected through an interview process with each of the six sources, consisting of five college graduate students from Jesuit institutions, and a Catholic religious leader (Jesuit father). The secondary data was obtained through findings that support the research, such as from online media, books, journals, and other academic texts. In answering the problem formulation (research question), this research uses theory of voting behavior, political socialization, and the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm. These three theories were then formulated into four approaches of voter behavior, namely structural, sociological, psychological, and rational choice. These four approaches were used to find and analyze the typology of voter behavior possessed by the five sources. The result found that the political preferences of college graduate students were formed by several factors inherent in their everyday lives. Life in the family environment and education environment are two main findings that can influence the political preferences of the interviewees. The IPP values used as a means of political socialization in their previous education also played a significant role in shaping the political preferences of the interviewees. Political education obtained outside the family environment has also been proven to be able to shape, or even change the political preferences of kolese graduates. As one of the agents of political socialization, it can be concluded that the Jesuit educational environment (kolese) is still able to provide political education through the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm (IPP) as one of the approaches. The IPP values, which is an element of the Catholic Religion, can be transformed into a means of political socialization in Jesuit kolese, so that the IPP can be applied in Jesuit schools as a benchmark for students in their formation and determination for an ideal (figure) leader.
Kata Kunci : Paradigma Pedagogi Ignatian, Sosialisasi Politik, Perilaku Pemilih, Pendidikan Jesuit