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Pengaruh Daya Tarik Emosional Iklan dalam Iklan Kampanye Pantene: Recharged Hair. Recharged Me! terhadap Pengalaman Menonton Pelanggan Pantene.

SALMA HANIYA AFDAL, Dr. Widodo Agus Setianto, M.Si.

2023 | Skripsi | Ilmu Komunikasi

Banyaknya jenis dan kompetitor yang ada saat ini menuntut jenama untuk membuat iklan dengan daya tarik dan ciri khas tersendiri dalam menyasar audiens. Penggunaan jalan cerita yang relate dengan kehidupan serta message appeal tertentu menjadi cara yang gemar dipilih sehingga berhasil menyasar sisi emosional melalui iklan. Pantene turut menggunakan cara ini dalam iklannya Pantene: Recharged Hair. Recharged Me!. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh penggunaan daya tarik emosional iklan (variabel X) terhadap pengalaman menonton pelanggan Pantene (variabel Y) yang juga menggunakan affective response sebagai variabel intervening. Dengan membatasi penelitian kepada sudut pandang audiens, penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif survei melalui kuesioner Google Form yang melibatkan 400 responden. Penelitian dilakukan dengan empat analisis yaitu analisis rata-rata (mean), korelasi, regresi linear, dan analisis jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daya tarik emosional dalam iklan Pantene benar mempengaruhi pengalaman menonton pelanggan Pantene. Pengaruh menjadi semakin besar ketika di mediasi oleh affective response.

The many types and competitors that exist today require brands to create advertisements with their own appeal and characteristics in targeting the audience. The use of a storyline that relates to life and a certain message appeal is a way that is often chosen so that it can successfully target the emotional side through advertising. Pantene also uses this method in their ads, Pantene: Recharged Hair. Recharged Me!. This research was conducted to see the effect of the use of emotional appeal advertising (variable X) on the watching experience of Pantene customers (variable Y), which also uses affective response as an intervening variable. By limiting the research to the audience's point of view, the research was conducted with a quantitative survey method through a Google Form questionnaire involving 400 respondents. The research was conducted with four analyses, namely mean analysis, correlation, linear regression, and path analysis. The results showed that emotional appeal in Pantene advertisements does affect the watching experience of Pantene customers. The influence becomes even greater when mediated by affective response.

Kata Kunci : Emotional Appeal Advertising, Customer Experience, Affective Response

  1. S1-2023-455829-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-455829-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-455829-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-455829-title.pdf