Evaluasi Akurasi Jarak Hasil Pengukuran Total Station Reflectorless Menggunakan Berbagai Jenis Target
Rindu Hidayatul Ardi, Dr. Ir. Yulaikhah, S.T., M.T.
2023 | Skripsi | TEKNIK GEODESI
Total Station (TS) is an angle and distance measuring instrument with Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM). TS can measure distance without a prism, known as the reflectorless feature. Varying field conditions allow reflectorless TS to measure various targets and materials, such as wood, stone, iron, and other materials. Various characteristics and properties of materials, materials, and other conditions may influence the results of distance measurements. Therefore, a deeper study is needed regarding the accuracy of distance measurements from reflectorless TS using various types of targets. This research examines the accuracy of distance measurements using reflectorless TS with iron, wood, and stone targets.
This research carried out horizontal distance measurements with varying distances at six intervals, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 meters with a maximum distance of 270 m. The location is on Boulevard UGM with a point that has been installed from the results of previous research. Distance measurements were carried out using the TS Reflectorless Topcon GM 55 Series with targets iron, wood, and stone. Before data processing, the measurement of the distance is checked. Distance measurement data is processed and analyzed using the parameters of the Least Square Adjustment (HKT) method through two stages, namely HKT to determine distance and HKT to determine the precision of distance measurements. The distance is compared with the measurement results using the TS reflector prism and the accuracy of the distance measurement is compared with the accuracy value of the TS tool.
The results of the research show that the difference between the TS distance of the prism reflector and the iron target ranges from 0.84 to 10.42 mm, the difference with the wooden target ranges from 1.17 to 10.50 mm, and the difference with the stone target ranges from 1.49 to 10. 66mm. The accuracy of the reflector and reflectorless TS measurements on various targets in the research were prism targets (0.32 + 0.23 ppm D), wood (0.31 + 14.55 ppm D), stone (0.61 + 2.03 ppm D ), and iron (0.22 + 10.97 ppm D). A comparison values of parameters a and b for each type of material shows that the stone target is more precise compared to the iron and wood targets, but the iron target is the most accurate. The significance test shows that the distance measured by the TS of the reflectorless to iron, wood, and stone targets is significantly different from the TS distance measured by the prism reflector, with a confidence level of 95%.
Keywords: reflectorless total station, distance, least square adjustment, accuracy, target
Kata Kunci : total station reflectorless, jarak, hitung kuadrat terkecil, ketelitian, target