Customer Relationship Management dalam Mengembangkan Reputasi Perusahaan (Studi Kasus Bank Mandiri Kantor Cabang Pembantu Solo Slamet Riyadi)
JENIFER RIPTO NUGRAHENI, Adam Wijoyo Sukarno, S.IP., M.A.; Dr. Wisnu Martha Adiputra, S.I.P., M.Si.; Massageng Widagdhaprasana, SIP., MMktgComs.
2024 | Skripsi | Ilmu Komunikasi
Penelitian ini melihat dan mengkaji ilmu komunikasi melalui Customer Relationship Management berdasarkan peran manajerial humas sebagai aktivitas corporate communication. Dalam implementasinya, terdapat pendekatan sosial melalui fungsi customer service yang menjalankan komunikasi interpersonal dalam mengembangkan reputasi perusahaan. Berdasarkan konsep sebagai perbankan konvensional, Bank Mandiri Kantor Cabang Pembantu Solo Slamet Riyadi menjadi objek penelitian ini. Peneliti menggunakan teori milik Adrian Payne dan Pennie Frow (2005) yang merujuk pada pendekatan strategis dari Customer Relationship Management dengan menitikberatkan manajemen relasi nasabah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan oleh peneliti, berupa wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang dipilih, berupa triangulasi data untuk mengukur keabsahan informasi. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan implementasi Customer Relationship Management di Bank Mandiri Kantor Cabang Pembantu Solo Slamet Riyadi dalam bentuk pemberian rewards, pemahaman informasi personal nasabah, hubungan kemitraan dengan perusahaan lain, identifikasi riwayat nasabah, interaksi secara langsung dengan nasabah, hubungan berkelanjutan melalui program maintenance product after sales, peran manajerial humas dalam predikat customer service sebagai financial advisor, serta komunikasi interpersonal dalam layanan. Sementara itu, reputasi perusahaan dikembangkan melalui prosedur, sudut pandang nasabah, dan kualitas layanan yang ada. Hal itu disusun berdasarkan alur informasi dalam rangkaian kontak nasabah dan Customer Experience (CX) dalam kantor cabang. Selain itu, adanya pengukuran indeks kepuasan nasabah oleh Marketing Research Indonesia (MRI) dan review di Google Maps turut mendukung topik penelitian ini.
Kata Kunci: Customer Relationship Management, Humas, Komunikasi Interpersonal, dan Reputasi Perusahaan
This research examines and explores the science of communication through Customer Relationship Management implemented based on the managerial role of public relations as an activity of corporate communication. In its implementation, there is a social approach through the construction of customer service that engages in interpersonal communication in developing the company's reputation. Based on its conceptualization as a conventional bank, Bank Mandiri Kantor Cabang Pembantu Solo Slamet Riyadi became the object of this research. The researchers use theory by Adrian Payne and Pennie Frow (2005), which refers to the strategic approach of Customer Relationship Management. This research employs a qualitative approach with a case study method. Data collection techniques used by the researcher include interviews, observations, and documentation. The selected data analysis method involves triangulation to measure the authenticity of information. The findings of this research indicate the implementation of Customer Relationship Management in Bank Mandiri Kantor Cabang Pembantu Solo Slamet Riyadi in the form of rewards, understanding of customer’s personal information, partnership relations with other companies, identification of customer history, direct interaction with customers, ongoing relationships through after-sales product maintenance programs, managerial role of public relations in the customer service designation as a financial advisor, and interpersonal communication in services. Meanwhile, the company's reputation is developed through procedures, customer perspectives, and the quality of existing services. This is structured based on the flow of information in the customer contact sequence and Customer Experience (CX) in the branch office. Additionally, the measurement of customer satisfaction indices by Marketing Research Indonesia (MRI) and reviews on Google Maps further support the research topic.
Keywords: Corporate Reputation, Customer Relationship Management, Interpersonal Communication, and Public Relations
Kata Kunci : Customer Relationship Management, Humas, Komunikasi Interpersonal, dan Reputasi Perusahaan/Corporate Reputation, Customer Relationship Management, Interpersonal Communication, and Public Relations