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Relasi Agama Dan Sains Pada Film Contact 1997 Dalam Perspektif Ian Graeme Barbour

Yoga Adi Kurniawan, Dr. Arqom Kuswanjono; Dr. Rizal Mustansyir, H.Hum

2024 | Skripsi | ILMU FILSAFAT

Seiring berjalannya waktu, isu-isu terkait hubungan antara agama dan sains dapat ditemui dan dijelaskan secara baik dalam film Contact (1997). Penelitian ini berjudul “Relasi Agama dan Sains pada Film Contact (1997) dalam Perspektif Ian Graeme Barbour”. Contact adalah film fiksi ilmiah yang menceritakan perjalanan Ellie saat menemukan sinyal radio misterius yang dianggap berasal dari peradaban luar angkasa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk; 1) Mendeskripsikan tentang pemikiran agama dan sains menurut Ian G. Barbour; 2) Mendeskripsikan tentang gambaran umum film Contact; 3) Menganalisis tentang tipologi hubungan agama dan sains Barbour dalam film Contact (1997)

Penelitian ini menggunakan kajian kualitatif melalui studi pustaka tentang tipologi hubungan agama dan sains Ian G. Barbour serta film “Contactyang bersumber dari literatur seperti film, buku, jurnal ilmiah, artikel ilmiah dan sumber tertulis lainnya. Metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisis penelitian ini menggunakan sistematis reflektif dengan unsur metodis deskripsi, interpretasi, dan holistika.

Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah; 1) Pandangan agama dan sains dalam perspektif Barbour meliputi empat tipologi yaitu, konflik, independensi, dialog, dan integrasi; 2) Contact (1997) menggambarkan kisah pencarian sinyal radio luar angkasa yang juga melibatkan hubungan agama dan sains; 3) Film Contact dianalisis menggunakan empat tipologi Barbour. Tipologi konflik menyoroti ketidakselarasan antara keyakinan agama dan sains terutama temuan sinyal radio luar angkasa. Tipologi independensi menempatkan agama dan sains dalam wilayah, bahasa, fokus dan tujuan yang berbeda seperti pengalaman keagamaan dan proses ilmiah. Tipologi dialog menekankan  kesamaan pra-anggapan, metode dan konsep seperti interaksi Ellie dan Palmer. Tipologi integrasi menampilkan jenis natural theology tentang keberadaan Tuhan ditemukan dalam desain alam yang tercermin dari interaksi karakter Ellie, ayahnya dan Palmer. Jenis theology of nature terlihat dari Palmer yang menghadirkan perspektif sains yang perlu dipandu oleh agama. Jenis sintesis sistematis tercermin dari karakter Ellie dan Palmer yang saling percaya akan pengalaman tanpa bukti konkret.

As time goes by, issues related to the relationship between religion and science can be found and explained well in the film Contact (1997). This research is entitled "The Relation between Religion and Science in the Contact (1997) from Ian G. Barbour's Perspective". Contact is a science fiction movie that tells the journey of Ellie (scientist) and Palmer (religionist) in their search for extraterrestrial life which combines the relationship between religion and science. This research aims to; 1) Describe religious and scientific thinking according to Ian G. Barbour; 2) Describe the general description of the Contact; 3) Analyzing Barbour's typology of the relationship between religion and science in the film Contact (1997).

This research uses a qualitative method through literature study on Ian G. Barbour's typology of the relationship between religion and science and the "Contact" which comes from literature such as books, scientific journals, scientific articles, and other written sources. The method used to analyze this research is reflective systematic with methodical elements of description, interpretation and holistics.

The results of this research are; 1) The standpoints of religion and science in Barbour's perspective include four typologies, namely, conflict, independence, dialogue and integration; 2) Contact (1997) depicts the story of the search for extraterrestrial radio signals which also involves the relationship between religion and science; 3) Contact is analyzed using Barbour's four typologies. The conflict typology highlights the misalignment between religious society responding to scientists' findings regarding extraterrestrial radio signals and Ellie who needs empirical evidence from the figure of God. The independence typology assign religion and science in different areas, languages, focuses and objectives such as religious experience and scientific processes. The dialogue typology is reflected in Ellie's interactions with Palmer. Ellie realizes that some religious and scientific experiences cannot always be proven. The integration typology presents a type of natural theology about the existence of God found in natural design that is reflected in Ellie's interactions with Palmer. The type of theology of nature can be seen from Palmer who presents a scientific perspective that needs to be guided by religion. The type of systematic synthesis is reflected in Ellie and Palmer who believe in each other's experiences without empirical evidence.

Kata Kunci : Contact, Ian G. Barbour, Agama dan Sains, Integrasi

  1. S1-2024-445002-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2024-445002-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2024-445002-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2024-445002-title.pdf