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Pengaruh Lama Perendaman Resin Komposit Nanofiller Dalam Teh Hitam (Camellia sinensis) Terhadap Perubahan Warna

ADINDA WHENY KUMALASARI, Prof. Dr. drg. Widowati Siswomihardjo, MS; Dr. drg. Harsini, M.S.


Resin komposit nanofiller memiliki sifat menyerap udara ke dalam matriks resin secara difusi. Teh hitam mengandung pigmen berupa zat theaflavin dan thearubigin yang dapat mengubah warna pada resin komposit nanofiller. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama waktu perendaman resin komposit nanofiller di dalam larutan teh hitam terhadap perubahan warna. Sampel resin komposit nanofiller 3M ESPE Filtek Z250 sebanyak 18 keping berbentuk cakram dengan diameter 10 mm dan ketebalan 2 mm direndam dalam aquadest pada suhu 37°C selama 24 jam kemudian warna awal diukur menggunakan kromameter. Sampel dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok perlakuan perendaman dalam larutan teh hitam 1% pada suhu 37°C yang diganti setiap 24 jam. Kelompok I selama 1 hari, Kelompok II selama 3 hari, dan kelompok III selama 7 hari. Pengukuran warna resin dilakukan dengan kromometer melalui sistem CIE L*a*b. Selisih nilai awal dan akhir dijelaskan menggunakan Anava Satu Jalur dan post hoc (? 0,05). Rerata dan hasil perubahan warna resin komposit nanofiller secara berurutan adalah 8,39±1.40 (3 hari), 8,48±1.93 (5 hari), 11,42±1,85 (7 hari). Hasil ANAVA menunjukkan signifikansi 0,013

Nanofiller composite resin has a characteristic of high water absorbance into the matrix resin through diffusion. Black tea contains pigment compounds such as theaflavin and thearubigin which may result in discoloration of nanofiller composite resin. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of soaking time for nanofiller composite resin in black tea solution on color changes.. A sample of 18 pieces of 3M ESPE Filtek Z250 nanofiller composite resin in the shape of a disc with a diameter of 10 mm and a thickness of 2 mm were soaked in distilled water at a temperature of 37°C for 24 hours then the initial color was measured using a chromameter. Samples were divided into 3 treatment groups by soaking in 1% black tea solution at a temperature of 37°C which was changed every 24 hours. Group I for 1 day, Group II for 3 days, and group III for 7 days. Resin color measurement is carried out with a chromameter through the CIE L*a*b system. The difference in initial and final values was analyzed using One Way ANOVA and post hoc (? 0,05). The mean and results of color change of nanofiller composite resin in order were 8,39±1.40 (3 days), 8,48±1.93 (5 days), 11,42±1,85 (7 days). The ANOVA results showed a significance of 0.013

Kata Kunci : Resin komposit nanofiller, perubahan warna, Lama waktu perendaman, Teh hitam

  1. S1-2023-455219-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-455219-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-455219-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-455219-title.pdf