Makna Teologi Pembebasan James H. Cone dan Farid Esack Bagi Konstruksi Konseptual Teologi Anti-Rasisme Indonesia
Nurul Huda, Dr. Arqom Kuswanjono; Dr. Agus Himmawan Utomo, M.Ag
2023 | Disertasi | S3 Ilmu Filsafat
Penelitian makna teologi pembebasan James
H. Cone dan Farid Esack bagi konstruksi konseptual teologi anti rasisme
Indonesia dilakukan atas dasar masih banyaknya kasus rasisme di berbagai
negara, termasuk di Indonesia. Rasisme umumnya merupakan keyakinan bahwa
perbedaan ciri-ciri fisik menentukan kualitas manusia. Agama yang sarat dengan
pesan-pesan pembebasan belum menunjukkan peran signifikan dalam konteks
rasisme, kecuali yang dilakukan James H. Cone dan Farid Esack. Tujuan
penelitian adalah untuk memahami makna teologi pembebasan kedua teolog ini dan
untuk menemukan adanya persamaan dan perbedaan diantara keduanya serta untuk
menemukan kontribusinya dalam mengembangkan teologi anti rasisme Indonesia.
Penelitian ini merupakan Library
Research, yang seluruh data-datanya bersumber dari literatur-literatur
tertulis. Sebagai penelitian filsafat, jalan penelitian diawali dengan
menganalisis teologi pembebasan Cone dan Esack, lalu dikomparasikan untuk
menemukan persamaan dan perbedaannya, kemudian diakhiri dengan interpretasi
perbandingan segitiga dengan melibatkan konteks Indonesia untuk menemukan
relevansinya bagi teologi anti rasisme Indonesia.
The research on the meaning of the liberation theology of James H. Cone and Farid Esack for the conceptual construction of Indonesian anti-racism theology was conducted based on the many cases of racism in various countries, including Indonesia. Racism is generally the belief that differences in physical characteristics determine human quality. Religion, which is full of liberation messages, has not shown a significant role in the context of racism, except for what James H. Cone and Farid Esack have done. The purpose of the study is to understand the meaning of liberation theology of these two theologians to find the similarities and differences between them and to find their contribution to developing Indonesian anti-racism theology.
This research is a Library Research, where
all the data is sourced from written literature. As a philosophical research,
the research path begins by analyzing Cone and Esack's liberation theology,
then comparing them to find similarities and differences, and then ending with
the interpretation of the triangular comparison by involving the Indonesian
context to find its relevance for Indonesian anti-racism theology.
The results of this study show that Cone and Esack's liberation theology stems from the lived experience of Black people and tries to find the spirit of liberation that exists in their respective theological doctrines, thus giving birth to a liberation theology that operationally becomes a postulate of struggle for Black liberation. The differences in the theological doctrines of Christianity and Islam and their historical contexts result in slightly different theological buildings, namely the term liberation theology chosen, the hermeneutical method used, and the focus of liberation fought for. This difference requires that the conceptual building of Indonesian anti-racism theology must adapt to the conditions of Indonesia which are multi-racial, ethnic, and religious so that the theological basis, methods, and implementation are not only liberating but also pluralistic.
Kata Kunci : liberation theology, meta-theology, and anti-racism theology.