Tingkat Kesiapan Masyarakat di Kawasan Penyangga Ibu Kota Negara (Studi Kasus: Kota Balikpapan, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur)
Damar Paramananda, Doddy Aditya Iskandar, S.T., M.CP., Ph.D.
2023 | Tesis | S2 Magist.Prnc.Kota & Daerah
Balikpapan City as one of the buffer areas for the IKN Nusantara has a lot of potential that can be developed because almost all the supporting infrastructure for the development of the National Capital is in Balikpapan City. Kariangau, Karang Joang, and Teritip areas which directly border the IKN Nusantara Administrative Region are expected to play a role as support system of IKN Nusantara. The main considerations for choosing the location for this study were based on comparative advantages and the role of Balikpapan City as a buffer for IKN. However, this comparative advantage still leaves problems such as spatial disparities in Balikpapan City. This spatial gap encourages the need to measure the level of community readiness to minimize the negative impacts of IKN development so that it can encourage structural transformation in the area. This research aims to explore the factors that influence the community in responding to IKN development and identify the level of community readiness in the buffer zone of the IKN in Balikpapan City.
This research is a case study with an abductive qualitative approach. The adbuction process starts from or multiple cases. With an abduction, a hypothesis is developed from an examination of facts that concludes that a new theory may have validity and be accepted if no other explanation has greater validity, or that an existing theory can be developed further. The data collection methods include in-depth interviews, field observations, documentation, and literature studies. Identification of community readiness levels refers to the Community Readiness Level Model by Plested et. al. (2006) with theoretical reconstruction adapted to cases and field conditions which then produced new dimensions and parameters where specific factors were also found at the field location which strengthened the measurement of the level community readiness in the three locations.
This research produced 7 themes, including Community Economic Conditions, Informations Limitation, Level of Community Education, Job Competition, Community Efforts, Business Opportunities, and the Role of Government. In general, the people in these three locations are not yet ready to face IKN development and it’s implications. Karang Joang is the area most prepared for IKN development with the level of community readiness at the initiation stage. Meanwhile, Kariangau is in second place where the level of community readiness in this area is at the preparation stage, while Teritip is the area least ready to face IKN development where the level of community readiness in this area is at the preplanning stage.
Kata Kunci : Kesiapan, Masyarakat, Balikpapan, Penyangga, IKN/Readiness, Community, Balikpapan, Buffer, IKN