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Firmansyah Hananto Setiawan, Evi Noor Afifah, M.S.E., Dr.,

2024 | Tesis | S2 MANAJEMEN (MM) JAKARTA

Pesatnya pertumbuhan industri otomotif dunia, berdampak mendorong pertumbuhan industri komponen otomotif. Namun di sisi lain, regulasi pasar bebas global membuat industri komponen otomotif Indonesia harus bersaing dengan pesaing dari luar yang memasarkan produknya di Indonesia. Pada penelitian ini, penulis berfokus pada perumusan masalah yaitu profitabilitas PT AAA selama 10 tahun terakhir terus menurun meskipun penjualan terus meningkat, dikarenakan meningkatnya biaya tenaga kerja, biaya material dan biaya operasional setiap tahunnya, sehingga dibutuhkan penerapan strategi operasional yang efektif dalam upaya meningkatkan profitabilitas perusahaan.

Analisis faktor eksternal dan internal PT AAA dalam persaingan bisnis di industri komponen otomotif dilakukan menggunakan analisis PESTLE, analisis PORTER’s Five Forces, analisis SWOT, dan analisis Business Model Canvas. Kemudian juga dilakukan analisis kualitatif secara komprehensif sehubungan dengan penerapan strategi keunggulan operasional dan pengurangan biaya dalam upaya meningkatkan profitabilitas perusahaan, serta analisis kuantitatif dengan melakukan uji korelasi antara penerapan strategi keunggulan operasional dan pengurangan biaya terhadap profitabilitas PT AAA.

Berdasarkan hasil analisis faktor eksternal menunjukan bahwa saat ini peluang yang dimiliki perusahaan adalah potensi pasar untuk produk after market dan kendaraaan listrik yang masih cukup besar. Di sisi lain, ancaman yang dimiliki perusahaan adalah regulasi pemerintah yang berpotensi menurunkan profitabilitas perusahaan serta kompetitor agresif dari importir Cina dan India. Selanjutnya hasil analisis faktor internal menunjukan bahwa kekuatan yang dimiliki perusahaan adalah memiliki keahlian dan pengalaman serta citra merek (brand image) yang cukup kuat di industri ini, bagian dari rantai nilai pemegang saham yang telah menguasai pasar otomotif beserta distribusinya serta terus mengembangkan produk baru terutama untuk produk after market sehingga kemampuan engineering dan teknologi dapat terus meningkat dan diandalkan. Sedangkan di sisi lain, kelemahan yang dimiliki perusahaan adalah beberapa sumber material dasar masih mengandalkan dari mitra bisnis di Jepang sehingga berdampak tingginya biaya material, biaya tenaga kerja yang terus meningkat setiap tahunnya serta masih cukup tingginya klaim garansi dan barang hasil produksi yang rusak. Kemudian hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penerapan strategi keunggulan operasional dan pengurangan biaya sangat berpengaruh terhadap Profitabilitas Perusahaan, dan penerapan strategi ini sangat diperlukan dalam menjalankan perusahaan manufaktur komponen, agar perusahaan tetap menjaga keberlangsungan bisnis dan terus bertumbuh.

The rapid growth of the world's automotive industry, which has an impact on driving the growth of the automotive component industry. But on the other hand, global free market regulations make the Indonesian automotive component industry have to compete with competitors from outside who market their products in Indonesia. In this study, the author focuses on the formulation of the problem, namely the profitability of PT AAA over the past 10 years has continued to decline even though sales have continued to increase, due to the increase in labor costs, material costs and operational costs each year, so that it requires the implementation of effective operational strategies in an effort to increase company profitability.

Analysis of PT AAA's external and internal factors in business competition in the automotive component industry was conducted using PESTLE analysis, PORTER's Five Forces analysis, SWOT analysis, and Business Model Canvas analysis. Then a comprehensive qualitative analysis was also carried out in relation to the implementation of operational excellence and cost reduction strategies in an effort to increase company profitability, as well as quantitative analysis by conducting a correlation test between the implementation of operational excellence and cost reduction strategies on PT AAA's profitability.

Based on the results of the analysis of external factors, it shows that currently the opportunities owned by the company are the market potential for after market products and electric vehicles which are still quite large. On the other hand, the threats owned by the company are government regulations that have the potential to reduce the company's profitability and aggressive competitors from Chinese and Indian importers. Furthermore, the results of the analysis of internal factors show that the strengths of the company are having expertise and experience as well as a fairly strong brand image in this industry, part of the value chain of shareholders who have controlled the automotive market and its distribution and continue to develop new products, especially for after market products so that engineering and technological capabilities can continue to increase and be relied upon. While on the other hand, the weaknesses of the company are that some basic material sources still rely on business partners in Japan, resulting in high material costs, labor costs that continue to increase every year and still quite high warranty claims and damaged manufactured goods. Then the results showed that the application of operational excellence strategies and cost reduction greatly influenced the company's profitability, and the application of this strategy is very necessary in running a component manufacturing company, so that the company can maintain business continuity and continue to grow.

Kata Kunci : Analisis penerapan strategi, keunggulan operasional, pengurangan biaya, profitabilitas, uji korelasi, analisis PESTEL, analisis PORTER’s Five Forces, analisis SWOT, analisis Business Model Canvas.

  1. S2-2024-490033-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2024-490033-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2024-490033-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2024-490033-title.pdf