Priyonggo Setyoadi Prabowo, Sari Sitalaksmi, M.Mgmt., Ph.D
2023 | Tesis | S2 MANAJEMEN (MM) JAKARTA
Heavy equipment industry in Indonesia continues to grow along with the increasing demand for heavy equipment, especially in the mining, construction, agriculture and plantation sectors. Volvo Construction Equipment (VCE) is a global heavy equipment form Sweden with a market share in top 5 over the world. PT Indotruck Utama (ITU) is one of the companies providing trucks, busses, and heavy equipment under PT Wahana Inti Selaras (Wisel) within the Indomobil group corporation. PT Volvo Indoneisa (PTVI) appointed ITU as a sole distributor for Volvo in Indonesia Market.
VCE market share in Indonesia was low with an average percentage only 2,1%. ITU as a part of one of the largest automotive group in Indonesia must be able to increasing the VCE’s market share and increasing company revenue through company management strategies. Analysis of company’s competitive advantage based on the Analyze, Formulate and Implement (AFI) framework approach is expected to provide an analytical picture of current strategy of company, so that business strategies can be arrange and implemented at ITU.
Qualitative research conducted in the form of in-depth interviews with specific persons can be concluded that ITU already has sustainable competitive advantages in capital and financial management, location and distribution of VCE sales, innovation and technological progress as well as the Indomobil group can able to create a business intern-company strategies. ITU can increase competitive advantage with developing its business through differentiation strategies, first mover advantage strategies, incremental innovation strategies, and business alliance strategies with other manufacturing industries.
Kata Kunci : Rerangka kerja AFI, Keunggulan Bersaing, Diferensiasi