Pengaruh Spiritualitas di Tempat Kerja terhadap Perilaku Kewargaan Organisasional melalui Mediasi Komitmen Afektif yang dimoderasi oleh Otonomi atas Ruang Kerja dan Kepemilikan Psikologis
Sukmathyra Suwoko, Dr. Claudius Budi Santoso. M.Bus
2023 | Tesis | S2 SAINS MANAJEMEN
So far, some studies say that spirituality produces outcomes based on "in role" behavior, while the outcome of "extra-role" behavior, namely organizational citizenship behavior, is still rarely discussed. In addition, the mechanism that underlies positive employee behavior still needs further research. The novelty of this study, namely: first, this study aims to examine the mechanism of direct and indirect relationships through the mediation of affective commitment in the influence of workplace spirituality on organizational citizenship behavior. Second, the researcher wants to explain that there are individual intrinsic motivation factors explained by self-determination theory and complemented by environmental context factors from job demand-resource theory that underlie the influence of spirituality in the workplace on organizational citizenship behavior. Third, this study examines the moderating mechanisms of autonomy over workspace and psychological belonging in the indirect influence of workplace spirituality on organizational citizenship behavior. This study was conducted on 270 educators (lecturers and teachers) in Yogyakarta collected by survey method and analyzed by PLS-SEM through SmartPLS application. The first research result, spirituality in the workplace affects organizational citizenship behavior although in the context of different regions. In addition, the influence of workplace spirituality is also mediated by affective commitment. Second, the moderating mechanism of autonomy over workspace is not strong enough to moderate the relationship between workplace spirituality and affective commitment, nor does psychological ownership have a strong effect on moderating the relationship between affective commitment and organizational citizenship behavior.
Kata Kunci : Spiritualitas di Tempat Kerja, Perilaku Kewargaan Organisasional, Komitmen Afektif, Otonomi atas Ruang Kerja, Kepemilikan Psikologis.