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Social Media Strategy: The Case Study of @skingameofficial's #BornThisWay Social Media Campaign

Asterixa Abigail, Massageng Widagdhaprasana, S.I.P., MMktgComms

2023 | Skripsi | Ilmu Komunikasi

Pesatnya perkembangan platform media sosial telah megubah cara manusia berkomunikasi, termasuk cara brands berkomunikasi dengan target audience mereka. Maka dari itu, sangatlah penting untuk para brand untuk membangun platform media sosial mereka, apalagi untuk para start-ups dan brand kecil. Dalam melakukan hal tersebut, brand perlu untuk membuat strategi media sosial yang baik, dikarenakan ada banyak manfaatnya, seperti menambah potensi customer bary, membangun brand awareness, dan menambah penjualan. Kampanye sosial media adalah salah satu bentuk dari strategi media sosial. Dalam era yang digital ini, kampanye media sosial telah terbentuk sebagai aset yang kuat untuk para brand untuk mempromosikan brand dan produk mereka. Salah satu contoh yang bisa digunakan adalah kampanye #BornThisWay milik @skingameofficial. Tesis ini ingin menganalisa kampanye Skin Game untuk menganalisa fenomena kampanye media sosial.

The rapid growth of social media platforms has transformed the way individuals and organizations communicate, interact, and engage with their target audiences. Therefore, it is highly important for brand to build their social media platforms, especially for small or medium start-up brands. In order to do so, brands need to create and employ a good social media strategy. Having a great social media strategy could result in many benefits, such as attracting potential customers, build brand awareness, increase sales and brand loyalty. Social media campaign is one of many forms of social media strategy. In this digital era, social media campaigns have emerged as powerful tools for businesses and individuals alike to promote their brands, products, and ideas. However,

the effectiveness of social media strategies depends heavily on well-planned campaign initiatives that align with the overarching objectives of the organization. Skin Game is a local skin care brand that is known for educative content and campaigns. One of their campaigns, #BornThisWay, received massive engagements and is considered one of its most successful campaigns. This thesis aims to analyze social media strategy through the lens of social media campaign planning, providing a comprehensive examination of its impact on brand awareness, engagement, and brand reputation. This research found that Skin Game followed the general campaign planning steps for the #BornThisWay Campaign, but with some tweaks with the objectives. Instead of creating a SMART objective plan, Skin Game chose the organic route and only rely on the general objectives with no measurements to measure its success. This research uses a case-study method by gathering data from observations of social media platforms and in-depth interviews with the campaign associates.

Kata Kunci : social media strategy, social media campaign, campaign planning

  1. S1-2023-440504-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-440504-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-440504-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-440504-title.pdf