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Peran Website Pemerintah Kota Denpasar Dalam Penanganan Pandemi COVID-19

Yunita Salsabila, Prof.Dr. Rini Rachmawati,S.Si., M.T.


Website Denpasar Saga COVID-19 (DESAC) merupakan website yang dirancang oleh Pemerintah Kota Denpasar agar masyarakat menerima layanan infomasi, komunikasi, edukasi dan consoling yang secara resmi saat pandemi COVID-19. Pembuatan website Denpasar Siaga COVID-19 (DESAC) diharapkan menciptakan layanan kesehatan berbasis COVID-19  yang meaghubungkan pemerintah dengan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengidentifikasi fitur layanan yang tersedia di dalam website Denpasar Siaga COVID-19 (DESAC) Pemerintah Kota Denpasar, (2) mengidentifikasi peran fitur layanan website Denpasar Siaga COVID-19 (DESAC), dan (3) mengidentifikasi peran fitur layanan website Denpasar Siaga COVID-19 (DESAC) Pemerintah Kota Denpasar bagi pemerintah saat pandemi COVID-19.

Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif (Mixed-method). Data kuantitatif yaitu berupa jumlah kunjungan fitur layanan yang akan dianalisis dengan analisis statistik deskriptif. Data kualitatif akan menggunakan data berupa dokumen,hasil observasi dan hasil pengolahan data wawancara dengan menggunakan analisis dokumen dan analisis hasil wawancara. 

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan fitur layanan yang tersedia di dalam website Denpasar Siaga COVID-19 (DESAC) yaitu fitur layanan info COVID-19; fitur layanan konsultasi dokter; fitur layanan konsultasi psikologi; fitur layanan isolasi mandiri; fitur layanan info vaksin; fitur layanan tanya jawab; fitur layanan nomor darurat; fitur layanan lokasi penting; fitur layanan cari oksigen dan fitur layanan download area. Fitur layanan yang paling berperan di masyarakat yaitu fitur layanan isolasi mandiri. Fitur layanan website Denpasar Siaga COVID-19 berperan pada Pemerintah Kota Denpasar yaitu sebagai pendukung di dalam mencapai tahapan e-government yaitu dimulai dari tahapan bill-board stage, partial service delivery, one-stop government portal dan interactive democracy. 

Denpasar Siaga Covid-19 (DESAC) is a website that is expected to create Covid- 19 based on health services that connect the government and the community during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to (1) identify the service features available on the Desnpasar Siaga Covid-19 (DESAC) website of the Denpasar City Government, (2) identify the role of the Denpasar Siaga Covid-19 (DESAC) website service features of the Denpasar City Government for the community during the Covid-19 pandemic, (3) identify the role of the Denpasar Siaga Covid-19 (DESAC) website service features of the Denpasar City Government for the government during the Covid-19 pandemic.

This research was conducted using qualitative and quantitative methods (Mixed- method). Quantitative data is in the form of the number of service feature visits which will be analyzed by descriptive statistical analysis. Qualitative data will use data in the form of documents, observation results and results of interview data processing using document analysis and analysis of interview results.

The resultsof this study show that the service features available on the Denpasar Siaga Covid-19 (DESAC) website are the Covid-19 info service feature; doctor consultation service feature; psychology consultation service feature; self-isolation service feature; vaccine info service feature; question and answer service feature; emergency number service feature; important location service feature; oxygen search service feature and download area service feature. The services features that plays the most role in the community is the self-isolation service feature. The service features of the Denpasar Siaga Covid-19 website play a role in the Denpasar City Government, namely as a support in achieving the stages of e- government, starting from the billboard stage, partial service delivery, one-stop government portal and interactive democracy.

Kata Kunci : Website Pemerintah Daerah, Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi, Penanganan Pandemi Covid-19

  1. S1-2023-423689-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-423689-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-423689-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-423689-title.pdf