Analisis Strategi Diversifikasi PT. Xerpihan Kata Digital (Xerpihan)
ADAM RIFA'I, Rangga Almahendra, Dr., S.T., M.M.,
2023 | Tesis | S2 Manajemen
Diversification strategy is one alternative strategy option that carried out by companies to increase competitive advantage. Diversification becomes an attractive option when companies face stiff competition as well as positive market growth potential. In principle, a diversification strategy can be justified if it can create long-term added value for the company.
The growth of the Education Technology (EdTech) industry in Indonesia reaches a value of US $ 1.2 billion or 24.4 percent every year. Implementation of business unit diversification strategy of PT. Xerpihan Kata Digital in the Education Technology (EdTech) industry in the language field is based on positive industry trends, ownership of resource capacity, and company capabilities. The main objective of this study is to assess the feasibility of PT. Xerpihan Kata Digital to the Education Technology (EdTech) industry based on e-learning language services. Analysis of diversification tests conducted using Porter's Three Essential Test includes attractiveness, cost of entry, and better-off test. The research method approach used is a descriptive study. The data sources used come from interviews, questionnaires, internal company documents, and reports or documents from institutions. The results of the industry attractiveness test show that the Education Technology (EdTech) industry based on e-learning language services is quite interesting. The questionnaire refers to Porter's five forces with scores above the criteria limit of 3.42 in the present and 4.03 in the future. The entrance cost analysis shows that internal development is the best option with a projected development cost of the language services e-learning business unit of Rp 3,379,145,000. The results of the financial feasibility test projected an optimistic scenario with a flat growth percentage of 15%, Net Present Value (NPV) at a positive value of Rp 8,372,748.09, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 24%, Profitability Index (PI) of 2.48, and Payback Period (PP) of 5.18 with an estimated market share What can be obtained is in the range of 11.4%. In the moderate scenario with a flat growth percentage of 10%, Net Present Value (NPV) is at a positive value of Rp 5,390,216,794, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 19%, Profitability Index (PI) of 1.60, and Payback Period (PP) of 5.62. In the pessimistic scenario with a flat growth percentage of 5%, Net Present Value (NPV) is positive at Rp 3,185,129,659, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is 14%, Profitability Index (PI) is 0.94, and Payback Period (PP) is 6.18 . For the results of the synergy test, there is potential synergy from strategic fit both tangible interrelationship and intangible relationship between the old business unit and the new business unit to be formed. Therefore, the diversification strategy that will be carried out by PT. Xerpihan Kata Digital to enter Education Technology (EdTech) industry based on e-learning language services are classified as feasible and acceptable.
Kata Kunci : Strategi diversifikasi, Education Technology (EdTech), e-learning jasa bahasa, Porter’s Three Essential Test, analisis kelayakan finansial.