Beyond World Interreligious Dialogue: The Engagement between Memaham and Christianity in Huaulu, Maluku, Indonesia
Vikry Reinaldo Paais, Prof. Frans Wijsen; Dr. Samsul Maarif
2023 | Tesis | S2 Agama dan Lintas Budaya
Hubungan antar agama yang selama ini didominasi oleh agama-agama dunia telah mengakibatkan tersingkirnya agama leluhur. Agama leluhur justru dikategorikan sebagai animisme, bidah, kepercayaan dan para penganutnya dianggap "belum beragama". Oleh karena itu, tesis ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan hubungan antara penganut Memaham (agama leluhur) dan penganut agama Kristen sebagai bentuk dialog antaragama. Penelitian tesis ini berlokasi di masyarakat adat Huaulu, Maluku, Indonesia, dengan menggunakan metodologi penelitian kualitatif. Beberapa teori yang digunakan dalam tesis ini antara lain: Nancy Ammerman (lived religion), Paul Knitter (dialog korelasional), dan Samsul Maarif (paradigma agama leluhur: intersubjektivitas). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hubungan antara agama leluhr dan agama Kristen di Huaulu sangat erat. Fenomena ini membuktikan bahwa eksistensi agama leluhur yang selama ini terabaikan justru berpotensi memperluas wacana hubungan antar agama.
Interreligious relations that have been
dominated by world religions have resulted in the exclusion of indigenous
religions. Indigenous religions are instead categorized
as animism, heretic, kepercayaan and its believers are “not yet
religious”. Therefore, this thesis aims to explain the relationship between the
followers Memaham (indigenous religion) and the followers of Christianity
as the interreligious engagement. This thesis research located in Huaulu
indigenous community, Maluku, Indonesia, using qualitative research methodology.
Some of the theories used in this thesis include: Nancy Ammerman (lived religion),
Paul Knitter (correlational dialogue), and Samsul Maarif (indigenous religion
paradigm: intersubjectivity). The results of this study show that the
relationship between indigenous religion and Christianity in Huaulu is
intertwined. This phenomenon proves that the existence of indigenous religion,
which has so far been neglected, has the potential to expand the discourse of
interreligious relations
Kata Kunci : interreligious engagement, Memaham, Christianity, Huaulu, lived religion, correlational, intersubjectivity.