Faktor-Faktor Pengaruh Kemacetan Di Ruas Jalan Godean (Segmen 085 : Yogyakarta-Kebonagung 1)
Kinanthi Sukmaning Sekar, Joni Purwohandoyo, S.Si., M.Sc.
One of the conditions that can occur in the traffic space is traffic jams. Traffic congestion in the long term certainly causes new problems to arise and disrupts human activities both related to physical aspects such as road damage that is getting worse and non-physical. Currently, traffic congestion is a problem faced by Sleman Regency which is a strategic issue in the form of congestion at certain hours. One of the locations for congestion that occurs is along Jalan Kebonagung 1 with the road segment number 085 or commonly known as Jalan Godean. Godean Road is a collector road located in the western part of Sleman Regency to connect Sleman Regency with Yogyakarta City, Sleman Regency with Kulon Progo Regency, and Kulon Progo Regency with Yogyakarta City.
The purpose of this study is to identify the distribution of congestion points on collector roads on Godean Street and to analyze the factors that influence congestion problems on Godean Street. The data used in this study are the results of observations made online using Google Maps and directly in the field. In addition, there is the use of secondary data obtained from related agencies.
The results showed that there were 18 congestion points from Yogyakarta to Kebonagung 1 and 14 congestion points originating from Kebonagung 1 to Yogyakarta. Based on the results of the two field observations, 13 points of congestion were found, both from Yogyakarta to Kebonagung 1 and vice versa. Broadly speaking and field observations, several factors influence congestion in Jalan Godean, including the presence of commercial activities and crossroads that do not use traffic lights.
Kata Kunci : kemacetan, lalu lintas, kapaitas jalan