Kaji Eksperimental Pengaruh Variasi Frekuensi Sonic Transducer Terhadap Boiling Heat Transfer Pada Fenomena Pool Boiling
Azhar Syafiq Putra, Dr. Eng. Adhika Widyaparaga. ST., M.Biomed.
2023 | Tesis | S2 Teknik Mesin
Sustainable electronic device miniaturization increases heat flux, potentially leading to overheating and reduced lifespan. The solution lies in effective cooling methods. Boiling and condensation involving phase change of the working fluid exhibit high Heat Transfer Coefficients (HTC). Pool boiling is also proposed in this study. However, the issue of vapor film (Leidenfrost) reduces HTC. The proposed solution involves agitation through acoustic vibration actuation using a sonic transducer with varying frequencies. The research compares structural-fluid (SF) and fluid (F) vibration methods at frequencies of 5 kHz, 15 kHz, and 20 kHz for heat flux, HTC, and pool boiling phenomena. Research results demonstrate that the sonic transducer frequency affects heat flux and HTC. Higher ?Texcess leads to increased heat flux. SF 5 kHz with a ?Texcess of 33°C shows the highest heat flux at 877.616 kW/m2 and HTC at 26.549 kW/m2 K, a 7.89 % improvement compared to tests without vibration. Conversely, F 15 kHz exhibits a heat flux of 646.072 kW/m2 and HTC of 18.459 kW/m2 K at ?Texcess 35 °C, a 37.05 ?crease compared to tests without vibration. The sonic transducer's ability to increase HTC occurs in both acoustic vibration actuation methods at ?Texcess 14°C, namely SF 5 kHz and F 5 kHz, with improvements of 97.49 % and 64.49 %, respectively. Acoustic vibration actuation tests indicate that SF has higher heat flux than F at all frequencies (5 kHz, 15 kHz, 20 kHz). Based on acoustic vibration theory, the F method experiences higher attenuation than the SF method. F experiences a decrease in wave strength during propagation but an increase in intensity at the same power. SF acoustic vibration actuation tests are sorted by the number of bubbles: SF 5 kHz, SF 15 kHz, and 20 kHz. More bubbles formed, leading to increased HTC. Similarly, in F acoustic vibration actuation tests: F 20 kHz, F 15 kHz, and F 5 kHz. In SF acoustic vibration actuation tests, interference and coalescence of bubbles into larger ones are identified. Meanwhile, in F acoustic vibration actuation tests, isolated bubbles are identified.
Kata Kunci : Pool boiling, HTC, Frequency, acoustics vibration actuatuation.