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Merancang Model Bisnis pada Aplikasi Perencanaan Perjalanan Wisata Mandiri “Do It Yourself Travel”

Ayoe Bientang Anggarie, Prof Nurul Indarti, Sivilokonom, Cand Merc, Ph.D

2023 | Tesis | S2 MANAJEMEN (MM) JAKARTA

Bepergian ke tempat baru dan mengalami budaya yang berbeda membawa kegembiraan bagi banyak orang. Sementara beberapa lebih memilih agen perjalanan untuk merencanakan liburan mereka, yang lain memilih perencanaan independen untuk fleksibilitas perjalanan dan meminimalkan biaya.  Namun, merencanakan perjalanan bisa menjadi tantangan dan memakan waktu.  Aplikasi “Do It Yourself Travel” menggunakan teknologi kecerdasan buatan untuk membuat rekomendasi rencana perjalanan yang disesuaikan dan dipersonalisasi untuk pengguna, termasuk saran hotel, penerbangan, dan restoran, panduan rute, dan perkiraan anggaran. Pengguna dapat dengan mudah memesan akomodasi, penerbangan, dan aktivitas hanya dengan satu klik melalui aplikasi. Misi dari Aplikasi “Do It Yourself Travel” adalah menyederhanakan perencanaan liburan, memungkinkan lebih banyak orang menikmati liburan mereka sepenuhnya dengan mengurangi kerumitan dan mengoptimalkan pengalaman mereka dengan rencana perjalanan yang efisien dan efektif.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang model bisnis dan menganalisis kelayakan ekonomi aplikasi “Do It Yourself Travel”. Metode yang digunakan meliputi metode kualitatif yaitu wawancara, Focus Group Discussion, analisis laporan keuangan, dan metode kuantitatif yaitu survei, dan analisis kelayakan finansial. Survei dan Focus Group Discussion dilakukan untuk memahami preferensi dan kesulitan pelaku perjalanan wisata dalam perencanaan wisata. Wawancara dilakukan dengan perwakilan hotel dan maskapai penerbangan untuk memahami kebutuhan calon mitra dan skema kerjasama. Analisis laporan keuangan dilakukan untuk memahami model bisnis dari perusahaan dengan jenis bisnis serupa yaitu menyediakan produk dan jasa wisata melalui aplikasi.

Analisis kelayakan finansial dilakukan dengan memperhitungkan Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), dan Payback Period (PP). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kebutuhan calon konsumen dan mitra terhadap aplikasi “Do It Yourself Travel”. Analisis finansial menunjukkan NPV sebesar Rp 31.592.404.441,58, IRR sebesar 43,5%, dan PP pada 4,5 tahun, menandakan bahwa bisnis ini layak dijalankan.

Traveling to new destinations and immersing oneself in different cultures is a source of joy for many individuals. While some individuals rely on travel agents to plan their vacations, others prefer the freedom and cost-saving benefits of independent travel planning. However, planning a trip can be a daunting and time-consuming task. This is where the "Do It Yourself Travel" application comes in. Our application utilizes cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence technology to provide users with personalized and tailored itinerary recommendations. The application streamlines the entire vacation planning process from suggesting the best hotels, flights, and restaurants to providing route guides and estimated budgets. With just a single click, users can easily book accommodations, flights, and activities directly through the application. At "Do It Yourself Travel," our mission is to simplify the vacation planning experience and enable more people to fully enjoy their holidays. We strive to reduce complexity and optimize travel plans, ensuring that our users have efficient and effective itineraries that cater to their unique preferences and needs.

This study aims to design a business model and analyse the financial feasibility of the "Do It Yourself Travel" application. The research methodology encompasses both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Qualitative methods, such as Focus Group Discussions, allow researcher to gain insights into the preferences and challenges faced by travellers when planning tours. Additionally, we conduct interviews with representatives from hotels and airlines to understand their needs and explore potential partnership opportunities. Furthermore, researcher employed financial report analysis to gain a comprehensive understanding of the business models employed by companies offering similar tourism products and services through applications. This analysis helps researcher identify key success factors and refine the business model.

To assess the financial feasibility of the application, researcher conduct a thorough analysis that takes into account various financial indicators. These indicators include the Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Payback Period (PP). The results of the research indicate a strong demand for the "Do It Yourself Travel" application among potential customers and partners. Moreover, the financial analysis reveals a promising outlook, with an NPV of IDR 31,592,404,441.58, an IRR of 43.5%, and a Payback Period of 4.5 years. These figures demonstrate the feasibility and profitability of the business venture.

Kata Kunci : Aplikasi, Wisata Mandiri, Kecerdasan Buatan, Model Bisnis, Applications, Independent Tourism, Artificial Intelligence, Business Models

  1. S2-2023-484102-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2023-484102-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2023-484102-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2023-484102-title.pdf