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Tindak Tutur Ilokusi Direktif Tak Langsung Tokoh Pemimpin dalam Anime Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan): Kajian Pragmatik

Jasmine Nur Adinda, Drs. Mulyadi, M.A.

2023 | Skripsi | SASTRA JEPANG

Dalam menyampaikan tuturan, penutur sering mengharapkan mitra tuturnya untuk melakukan sesuatu, atau disebut tindak tutur direktif. Namun, tuturan dapat diujarkan secara tak langsung, sehingga perlu penafsiran untuk mengungkap makna tuturan tersebut. Pemakaian tindak tutur direktif tak langsung dapat ditemukan dalam anime, terutama terkait makna dan pola tindak tutur direktif tak langsung oleh tokoh pemimpin. 

Penelitian ini ditulis secara deskriptif kualitatif dengan mengambil data dari animeShingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan) Season 3” karya Hajime Isayama karena ditemukan banyak tuturan direktif. Khususnya, dituturkan oleh tokoh pemimpin, yaitu Erwin Smith dan Levi Ackerman. Data dikumpulkan dengan menyimak dan mencatat tuturan yang mengandung tindak tutur direktif beserta konteksnya. Analisis data dilandaskan pada teori pragmatik oleh Austin (1962) dan Searle (1983). Kemudian, konteksnya diteliti dengan teori SPEAKING oleh Hymes (1972). Terakhir, analisis data diklasifikasikan menurut makna tindak tutur direktif sesuai pendapat Namatame Yasu (1996). 

Dari 15 data, ditemukan bahwa tindak tutur direktif tak langsung oleh tokoh pemimpin memiliki makna perintah (3 tuturan), permintaan (3 tuturan), larangan (3 tuturan), izin (3 tuturan), dan anjuran (3 tuturan). Pola yang terbentuk dalam penggunaan tindak tutur direktif tak langsung oleh keduanya adalah penggunaan jenis kalimat deklaratif (14 tuturan) dan kalimat interogatif (1 tuturan). Tuturan tersebut pada awalnya dipahami sebagai tindak tutur asertif (7 tuturan), komisif (5 tuturan), dan ekspresif (3 tuturan). Penentu yang membuat tindak tutur lainnya dipahami sebagai tindak tutur direktif adalah dengan melihat unsur dari konteks. Unsur yang dijadikan penentu meliputi ends atau tujuan (7 tuturan), acts atau isi (6 tuturan), dan key (2 tuturan).

In delivering speeches, leaders frequently expect their speech partners to do something. The speech act is known as the directive speech act. However, it does not necessarily employ direct speaking, since it can also be conveyed indirectly, requiring interpretation to disclose the meaning of the speech. An anime can make use of indirect directed speaking acts. This study discusses the usage, specifically the meaning and pattern of indirect directed speech acts performed by the anime's protagonists.

This study is written in a descriptive and qualitative style. The data in the study is obtained from the anime Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan) Season 3” by Hajime Isayama since there are numerous directive speech acts in the anime, particularly those stated by the lead characters, Erwin Smith and Levi Ackerman. The information was gathered by listening to every dialogue in the anime and noting down the utterances that had directed speech acts and their settings. The theory of pragmatics by Austin (1962) and Searle (1983) is used to assess each data set. The situation is then investigated using Hymes' (1972) SPEAKING theory. Finally, the data analysis is classified according on Namatame Yasu's (1996) definition of directive speech acts.

According to the 15 data points examined, the leaders' indirect directive speech acts have the connotation of orders (3 utterances), requests (3 utterances), prohibitions (3 utterances), permits (3 utterances), and suggestions (3 utterances). The pattern produced by Erwin Smith and Levi Ackerman's employment of indirect directive speech acts is the use of declarative sentences (14 utterances) and interrogative sentence (1 utterance). The speech acts are originally interpreted to be assertive (7 utterances), commissive (5 utterances), and expressive (3 utterances). The context factors are what determine whether other speech actions are interpreted as directive speech acts. Ends or purposes (7 utterances), acts (6 utterances), and keys (2 utterances) are used as determinants.

Kata Kunci : pragmatik, tindak tutur ilokusi, tindak tutur direktif tak langsung, anime

  1. S1-2023-430979-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-430979-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-430979-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-430979-title.pdf