48 hours are dominant in having low incomes. Based on the results of the binary logistic regression test, it is known that the variables of residence location, gender, age, marital status, education, main employment status, length of work and working hours affect the income of workers in DIY, with an influence of 39.9 percent while 60.1 percent is influenced by other factors. Education variables have the most influence in determining worker income so that stakeholders are expected to be able to improve education to support the increase in worker income."> 48 hours are dominant in having low incomes. Based on the results of the binary logistic regression test, it is known that the variables of residence location, gender, age, marital status, education, main employment status, length of work and working hours affect the income of workers in DIY, with an influence of 39.9 percent while 60.1 percent is influenced by other factors. Education variables have the most influence in determining worker income so that stakeholders are expected to be able to improve education to support the increase in worker income.">
Lisa Mustafidatul Fauziah, Dr. Abdur Rofi`, S.Si., M.Si.
Indeks Gini Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta menjadi provinsi tertinggi kedua setelah Sulawesi Barat dengan nilai Indeks Gini sebesar 0,45 di September 2021. Tingginya Indeks Gini mengindikasikan adanya distribusi upah yang tidak merata antar tenaga kerja. Akan tetapi, apabila dilihat dari Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM), pada tahun 2022 DIY menjadi provinsi tertinggi kedua yang masuk kategori “Sangat Tinggi” dengan nilai 80,64. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelian ini adalah mengetahui distribusi pendapatan dan determinan pendapatan pekerja yang dilihat dari karakteristik wilayah dan karakteristik individu. Karakteristik wilayah dicerminkan oleh lokasi tempat tinggal pekerja, sementara karakteristik individu dilihat dari jenis kelamin, umur, status perkawinan, pendidikan, status pekerjaan utama, lama kerja, dan jam kerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder berupa data mikro hasil Survei Angkatan Kerja Nasional (Sakernas) Agustus tahun 2022 dan dianalisis secara statistik deskriptif melalui tabulasi silang dan statistik inferensial menggunakan uji regresi logistik biner.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pekerja dengan karakteristik wilayah bertempat tinggal di perdesaan memiliki persentase penduduk dengan pendapatan sangat rendah lebih tinggi daripada pekerja yang bertempat tinggal di perkotaan. Mayoritas pendapatan pekerja laki-laki berpendapatan rendah, sedangkan pekerja perempuan berpendapatan sangat rendah. Berdasarkan kelompok umur, pekerja yang berada di kelompok umur 15-19 tahun, ?40 tahun dominan masuk dalam golongan pendapatan sangat rendah, sementara pekerja yang berada di kelompok umur 20-39 tahun dominan masuk dalam golongan pendapatan rendah. Status pekerja yang belum kawin dan cerai hidup mayoritas berpendapatan rendah, sementara pekerja dengan status kawin dan cerai mati dominan memiliki pendapatan sangat rendah. Mayoritas pendapatan pekerja dengan status pendidikan dasar berpendapatan sangat rendah, pendidikan menengah berpendapatan rendah, dan status pendidikan tinggi berpendapatan sangat tinggi. Distribusi pendapatan menurut status pekerjaan utama, 3 dari 7 kategori mayoritas pekerja memiliki pendapatan sangat rendah. Menurut lama bekerja, setiap rentang lama kerja di dominasi pekerja berpendapatan sangat rendah. Selain itu, dilihat dari jam kerja diketahui bahwa pekerja dengan jam bekerja di rentang 1-34 jam mayoritas berpendapatan sangat rendah, sementara pekerja dengan jam bekerja 35-48 jam dan >48 jam dominan memiliki pendapatan rendah.
Berdasarkan hasil uji regresi logistik biner, diketahui bahwa variabel lokasi tempat tinggal, jenis kelamin, umur, status perkawinan, pendidikan, status pekerjaan utama, lama kerja dan jam kerja berpengaruh terhadap pendapatan pekerja di DIY, dengan pengaruh sebesar 39,9 persen sedangkan 60,1 persen dipengaruhi faktor lainnya. Variabel pendidikan memiliki pengaruh paling besar dalam menentukan pendapatan pekerja sehingga pemangku kepentingan diharapkan mampu meningkatkan pendidikan untuk mendukung peningkatan pendapatan pekerja.
The Gini Index of the Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta is the second highest province after Sulawesi Barat with a Gini Index value of 0.45 in September 2021. A high Gini Index indicates an uneven distribution of wages among workers. However, when viewed from the Human Development Index (HDI), in 2022 DIY is the second highest province in the "Very High" category with a value of 80.64. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the distribution of income and determinants of workers' income seen from regional characteristics and individual characteristics. Regional characteristics are reflected by the location of the worker's residence, while individual characteristics are seen from gender, age, marital status, education, main employment status, length of work, and working hours. This study used secondary data in the form of micro data from the August 2022 National Labor Force Survey and was analyzed statistically descriptively through cross-tabulation and inferential statistics using binary logistic regression tests.
The results showed that workers with regional characteristics residing in rural areas had a higher percentage of people with very low incomes than workers residing in urban areas. Most male workers earn low, while female workers earn very low. Based on age groups, workers in the age group of 15-19 years, ?40 years are dominant in the very low-income group, while workers in the age group of 20-39 years are dominant in the low-income group. The status of unmarried and divorced workers lives mostly on low incomes, while workers with marital and divorced status have predominantly very low incomes. Many workers with primary education status have very low incomes, low-income secondary education, and very high-income higher education status. Income distribution according to main employment status, 3 out of 7 categories of the majority of workers have very low incomes. According to the length of work, each span of length of work is dominated by very low-income workers. In addition, judging from working hours, it is known that workers with working hours in the range of 1-34 hours have a very low income, while workers with 35-48 hours and >48 hours are dominant in having low incomes.
Based on the results of the binary logistic regression test, it is known that the variables of residence location, gender, age, marital status, education, main employment status, length of work and working hours affect the income of workers in DIY, with an influence of 39.9 percent while 60.1 percent is influenced by other factors. Education variables have the most influence in determining worker income so that stakeholders are expected to be able to improve education to support the increase in worker income.
Kata Kunci : pendapatan, pekerja, karakteristik wilayah, karakteristik individu