Iranti Febyana Ayumarta, Anisa Nurpita, S.E., M.Ec.Dev.
2023 | Tugas Akhir | D4 Manajemen dan Penilaian Properti
Tingginya laju pertumbuhan penduduk di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta khususnya di Kabupaten Bantul membuat jumlah permintaan rumah di Kabupaten Bantul meningkat. Meningkatnya angka permintaan rumah menimbulkan dampak di beberapa aspek salah satunya adalah kenaikan harga atas rumah tinggal. Beberapa faktor yang memengaruhi harga jual rumah tinggal adalah lokasi. Peneliti mengasumsikan lokasi rumah tinggal berpengaruh terhadap harga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi pengaruh jarak fasilitas pendidikan, jarak terhadap kantor pemerintahan, jarak terhadap CBD, dan jarak terhadap fasilitas perbelanjaan terhadap harga rumah tinggal tipe menengah di Kabupaten Bantul dan besarnya adjustment lokasi terhadap harga transaksi rumah tinggal tipe menengah di Kabupaten Bantul menggunakan metode regresi berganda dan uji asumsi klasik menggunakan alat analisis OLS. Hasil akhir penelitian menunjukka bahwa variabel jarak terhadap kantor pemerintahan, jarak terhadap CBD dan jarak terhadap fasilitas perbelanjaan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap harga rumah tinggal tipe menengah di Kabupaten Bantul DIY. Jarak ke kantor pemerintahan dan jarak ke fasilitas perbelanjaan memiliki besar adjustment kurang lebih 1%, sedangkan jarak ke CBD sebesar kurang lebih 2%.
The high rate of population growth in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, especially in Bantul Regency, has made the number of requests for houses in Bantul Regency increase. The increasing demand for housing has had an impact on several aspects, one of which is the increase in the price of residential houses. Several factors affect the selling price of a residential house is the location. The researcher assumes that the location of the house affects the price. The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of the distance to educational facilities, the distance to government offices, the distance to the CBD, and the distance to shopping facilities on the price of middle-type residential houses in Bantul Regency and the magnitude of the location adjustment to the transaction price of medium-type residential houses in Bantul Regency using the regression method. multiple and classic assumption test using OLS analysis tools. The final results of the study show that the variable distance to government offices, distance to the CBD and distance to shopping facilities have a significant effect on the price of medium-type houses in Bantul Regency, DIY. The distance to government offices and shopping facilities has a 1% ajustment, while the distance to the CBD is 2%.
Kata Kunci : Harga, Nilai, Penilaian, Rumah