Laporkan Masalah


Muhammad Shevaddin Al Bahri, Dr. Agr. Evita Hanie Pangaribowo, S.E., Midec.


Perkembangan teknologi informasi membawa perubahan signifikan terhadap sektor perdagangan. Perdagangan digital (e-commerce) menjadi tren baru dalam melakukan bisnis di era globalisasi ini. Kondisi perdagangan digital masih terlalu abstrak jika hanya disajikan dalam data mentah. Perlu sebuah pembahasan konkrit yang berlandaskan analisis deskriptif untuk mengkaji kondisi e-commerce di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan kondisi e-commerce dan menentukan determinan persentase usaha menggunakan e-commerce di Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan kondisi e-commerce di Indonesia adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Pendeskripsian kondisi e-commerce mengacu pada 10 indikator utama e-commerce menurut BPS. Metode untuk menentukan determinan persentase usaha menggunakan e-commerce adalah regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian kondisi e-commerce di Indonesia menunjukkan persentase usaha menggunakan e-commerce terbanyak berada pada provinsi di Pulau Jawa. Berdasarkan karakteristik internal usahanya, tahun mulai e-commerce mayoritas berada di tahun 2017 ke atas dan mayoritas usaha e-commerce berada dalam kategori usaha mikro berdasarkan pendapatannya. Berdasarkan aspek ketenagakerjaannya, Jumlah tenaga kerja mayoritas 1-4 orang. Berdasarkan mekanisme operasionalnya, media penjualan terbanyak menggunakan pesan instan, media pembayaran terbanyak menggunakan COD, dan metode pengiriman mayoritas dikirim oleh penjual. Berdasarkan pihak yang terlibat dalam transaksinya, Pelaku usaha mayoritas seller dan jenis pelanggan mayoritas konsumen akhir. Berdasarkan barang yang ditransaksikan, Jenis barang yang dijual mayoritas berupa makanan. Hasil penelitian determinan persentase usaha menggunakan e-commerce menunjukkan bahwa penetrasi internet, pertumbuhan ekonomi, dan PDRB perkapita menjadi determinan. 

The development of information technology has brought significant changes to the trade sector. Digital trade (e-commerce) is a new trend in doing business in this globalization era. Digital trade conditions are still too abstract if only presented in raw data. A concrete discussion based on descriptive analysis is needed to examine the condition of e-commerce in Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to describe the condition of e-commerce and determine the determinants of the percentage of businesses using e-commerce in Indonesia. The method used to describe the condition of e-commerce in Indonesia is descriptive quantitative. The description of the condition of e-commerce refers to 10 main indicators of e-commerce according to BPS. The method for determining the determinants of the percentage of businesses using e-commerce is multiple linear regression. The results of research on the condition of e-commerce in Indonesia show that the highest percentage of businesses using e-commerce are in provinces on the island of Java. Based on the internal characteristics of the business, the year the majority of e-commerce started was in 2017 and above and the majority of e-commerce businesses were in the micro business category based on their income. Based on the aspect of employment, the majority of the workforce is 1-4 people. Based on the operational mechanism, most sales media use instant messages, most payment media use COD, and the majority of shipping methods are sent by sellers. Based on the parties involved in the transaction, the majority of business actors are sellers and the type of customer is the majority of end consumers. Based on the goods transacted, the majority of goods sold are in the form of food. The results of the study on the determinants percentage of business using e-commerce show that internet penetration, economic growth, and GDP per capita are determinants.

Kata Kunci : E-commerce, Kondisi, Determinan, Indonesia, Internet

  1. S1-2023-426829-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-426829-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-426829-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-426829-title.pdf