Prarancangan Pabrik Syngas dari Gasifikasi Batubara Kualitas Rendah dengan Proses Basah Kapasitas 500.000 ton/tahun
David Arya Ramadhan, Dr. Joko Wintoko, S.T., M.Sc.
2023 | Skripsi | TEKNIK KIMIA
Synthesis gas (Syngas) or synthesis gas is an intermediate product that is generally used as a raw material for the chemical industry, such as to produce ammonia and methanol. This syngas can also be used as an alternative electrical generator fuel in producing electricity.
Syngas production can be produced with coal gasification process. The gasification method carried out at this plant uses the principle of wet gasification with the main steps are raw material preparation, coal gasification with entrained flow gasifier, and gas purification. The reaction in the gasifier occurs under operating conditions of 40 atm pressure and 1.500 °C. The syngas plant is designed with a production capacity of 500.000 tonnes/year and operates continuously for 330 days/year. The raw material requirements of this factory process are 49.066,8436 kg/hour of sub-bituminous coal, 31.893,4483 kg/hour of water, 39.253,4748 kg/hour of O2, and 1.962,6737 kg/hour of N2. The syngas that can be produced is 75.665,8382 kg/hour consisting of H2O, CO, CO2, H2, N2, CH4, and H2S.
This plant is planned to be built in the Kawasan Industri Kujang Cikampek, Karawang City, West Java, with an area of 4,2702 Ha and 242 employees. Utility units are built to support the needs of the plant, such as 682.450,9855 kg/hour of steam, 6.120.221,8783 kg/hour of cooling water, 18,1689 MW of electricity, 1.088 m3/hour of compressed air, and stone needs. coal as fuel as much as 86,350.6179 kg/hour.
The plant’s fixed capital is $174.085.277,68 and the working capital is $33.674.865,95. At 100% production capacity, ROI before tax is 44,91%, ROI after tax is 22,45%, POT before tax is 1,82 years, POT after tax is 3,08 years, BEP is 41,14%, SDP is 21,47%, and DCFRR is 41,17%. Based on these results it can be concluded that this plant is economically attractive.
Kata Kunci : Batu Bara, Entrained Flow Gasifier, Gasifikasi Batu Bara, Produksi Syngas, Syngas