Analisis Strategi Daging Sapi Lokal Asal Sapi Impor dari Pasar Tradisional Menuju Pasar Ritel Modern pada Perusahaan Penggemukan Sapi Potong
ROBI AGUSTIAR, Budi Guntoro, Endang Baliarti
2023 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu PeternakanPeningkatan kompetisi usaha dan hilangnya daya saing daging sapi lokal asal impor di segmen pasar tradisional merupakan dampak dari ancaman masuknya daging kerbau impor India menjadi pendorong perubahan penjualan daging tersebut ke arah segmen pasar ritel modern. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk (1) mengidentifikasi kondisi lingkungan eksternal dan internal industri daging sapi lokal asal sapi impor, (2) mengidentifikasi perubahan rantai pasok daging sapi lokal asal sapi impor dan pasar tradisional menuju pasar ritel modern, dan (3) menganalisis pengaruh valuable (V), rare (R), costly to imitate (I) dan non-substitutable (N) terhadap strategi keunggulan bersaing pada toko daging sapi ritel modern. Penelitian ini melibatkan informan kunci yang merupakan tiga direktur perusahaan penggemukan sapi potong terbesar di Jawa Barat, aktor rantai pasok daging sapi, dan 150 sampel konsumen daging sapi. Penentuan responden menggunakan purposive sampling serta snowball sampling untuk analisis rantai pasok. Analisis kondisi eksternal dan internal lingkungan perusahaan menggunakan pendekatan PESTEL dan Porter. Tujuan kedua dianalisis menggunakan deskriptif, sedangkan tujuan ketiga dianalisis menggunakan regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor politik dan regulasi merupakan hal utama yang memberikan dampak sebagai ancaman terhadap iklim usaha daging sapi lokal. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa terdapat aktor baru dalam rantai pasok daging sapi lokal asal sapi impor sebelum didistribusikan kepada tier lain dalam rantai pasok. Lebih lanjut, variabel valuable (V) dan rare (R) signifikan (P<0,05) berpengaruh positif terhadap keunggulan bersaing penjualan daging sapi di pasar ritel modern.
The threat of the entrance of imported Indian buffalo meat as a driver of the shift in meat sales towards the modern retail market segment results in increased business competition and a loss of competitiveness for imported local beef in the traditional market segment. This study's objectives were to (1) identify the external and internal environmental conditions of the local beef industry from imported cattle, (2) identify changes in the supply chain of local beef from imported cattle from traditional to modern retail markets, and (3) analyse the effect of valuable (V), rare (R), costly to imitate (I), and non-substitutable (N) competitive advantages strategy in modern retail beef stores. Participants in the investigation included three directors of the largest beef cattle fattening company in West Java, beef supply chain actors, and 150 beef consumers as samples. Supply chain analysis using purposive sampling and snowball sampling to determine respondents. PESTEL and Porter analyses of the external and internal conditions of the organization's environment. The second objective was analysed with descriptive statistics, whereas the third objective was analysed with multiple linear regression. The outcome demonstrated that political and regulatory factors pose the greatest hazard to the local beef business environment. This research reveals that there is a new actor in the imported beef supply chain, namely Depots, which function as terminals to stock local beef from imported cattle prior to distribution to other supply chain tiers. In addition, significant valuable (V) and rare (R) variables (P 0.05) positively influence the competitive advantage of beef sales in the contemporary retail market.
Kata Kunci : Local beef, modern retail, supply chain, competitive advantage