Perilaku Konsumen Teh di Kabupaten Banyumas
Muthia Auralia, Dr. Jangkung Handoyo Mulyo, M.Ec; Ir. Any Suryantini, M.M., Ph.D
Perilaku konsumen sesuatu
hal yang sangat penting diketahui oleh produsen teh dalam persaingan yang
kompetitif. Kabupaten Banyumas banyak dijumpai konsumen teh khususnya Kecamatan
Sokaraja dan Kecamatan Purwokerto Selatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
menganalisis: (1) pengaruh aroma, rasa, warna seduhan, merek, dan harga
terhadap sikap konsumen, (2) pengaruh aroma, rasa, warna seduhan, merek, harga,
dan sikap konsumen terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen, (3) pengaruh aroma,
rasa, warna seduhan, merek, harga, sikap konsumen, dan keputusan pembelian
konsumen terhadap kepuasan konsumen, dan (4) pengaruh aroma, rasa, warna
seduhan, merek, harga, sikap konsumen, keputusan pembelian, dan kepuasan
konsumen terhadap loyalitas konsumen. Kuesioner offline digunakan untuk
mengumpulkan data konsumen yang mengambil keputusan pembelian teh pada rumah
tangga. Konsumen mempunyai kesempatan yang sama untuk dijadikan sampel sesuai
dengan proporsi secara representatif pada setiap kecamatan. Sampel yang
digunakan sebanyak 175 responden dari 4 perumahan di Kecamatan Sokaraja dan 4
perusahan di Kecamatan Purwokerto Selatan. Structural Equation Modeling (
Consumer behaviour is essential to know by tea producers in competitive competition.
Banyumas Regency has many tea consumers, especially in Sokaraja District and
South Purwokerto District. This study aims to analyze: (1) the influence of
aroma, taste, brew colour, brand, and price on consumer attitudes, (2) the
influence of aroma, taste, brew colour, brand, price, and consumer attitude
towards consumer purchasing decisions, (3) the influence of aroma, taste, brew
colour, brand, price, consumer attitude, and consumer purchase decision on
consumer satisfaction, and (4) the influence of aroma, taste, brew colour,
brand, price, consumer attitude, purchase decision, and consumer satisfaction
on consumer loyalty. Offline questionnaires collect data on consumers who make
tea-purchasing decisions in households. Consumers have the same opportunity to
be sampled according to the proportion representative in each sub-district. The
sample used was 175 respondents from four housing estates in Sokaraja District
and four companies in South Purwokerto District. Structural Equation Modeling
(SEM) with the help of the AMOS application was used to analyze the data in
this study. The results showed that taste and brand influence consumer
attitudes and indirectly affect purchasing decisions, consumer satisfaction,
and consumer loyalty. Consumer attitudes directly influence purchasing
decisions and indirectly affect consumer satisfaction and loyalty. Consumer
purchasing decisions directly affect consumer satisfaction and indirectly
affect consumer loyalty. Consumer satisfaction directly affects consumer
loyalty. The recommended advice for tea producers is to pay attention to
consumer perceptions of brand popularity and the taste of steeping tea that is
astringent by consumer wishes with efforts to increase brand popularity
directed at promotion through social media such as television ads, Instagram,
TikTok, and YouTube and collaborating with artists to promote tea products.
Producer can provide information related to the recommended brewing process on
product packaging so that consumers can consume tea according to consumer
Kata Kunci : Aroma, Rasa, Warna Seduhan, Merek, Harga, Sikap Konsumen, Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen, Kepuasan Konsumen, Loyalitas Konsumen