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Daya Saing Ekspor CPO Indonesia dan Malaysia di Pasar India

PIPIN MAYRANI L M, Dr. Jangkung Handoyo Mulyo, M.Ec.;Gilang Wirakusuma, S.P.,;Prof. Dr. Ir. Masyhuri;


CPO merupakan salah satu komoditi unggulan Indonesia dikarenakan peran pentingnya sebagai penyumbang devisa negara terbesar untuk ekspor nonmigas. Peningkatan permintaan global turut meningkatkan produksi CPO Indonesia sebagai eksportir minyak kelapa sawit dunia, sehingga untuk.mempertahankan dan memperluas pangsa ekspornya, Indonesia diharapkan dapat bersaing dengan eksportir CPO besar lainnya seperti Malaysia. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) Mengetahui daya saing ekspor CPO Indonesia dan Malaysia, (2) Mengetahui posisi pasar CPO Indonesia dan Malaysia di pasar India, (3) Mengetahui faktor yang memengaruhi ekspor CPO Indonesia dan Malaysia di pasar India. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder periode 2011-2020, dengan sumber data berasal dari United Nations International Trade Statistics Database (UN COMTRADE) untuk metode analisis Revealed Symmetric Comparative Advantage (RSCA), Export Product Dynamic (EPD), dan Constant Market Share (CMS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa CPO Indonesia dan Malaysia berdaya saing secara komparatif di pasar India dengan nilai RSCA masing-masing sebesar 0,89 dan 0,85. Analisis EPD menunjukkan komoditi CPO keduanya berada di posisi Rising Star yang berarti terjadi peningkatan pangsa pasar ekspor dan komoditi tersebut terkonsentrasi di pasar dengan pertumbuhan permintaan yang dinamis. Berdasarkan analisis CMS terjadi penurunan pertumbuhan nilai ekspor CPO Indonesia secara rata-rata sebesar US$177,11 juta dengan efek pasar dunia dan efek distribusi pasar sebagai faktor yang paling memengaruhi pertumbuhan nilai ekspor CPO Indonesia. Sementara itu, CPO Malaysia menunjukkan adanya pertumbuhan yang positif sebesar US$58,98 juta setiap tahunnya untuk periode 2011-2020 dengan efek distribusi pasar dan efek daya saing menjadi faktor yang paling memengaruhi pertumbuhan ekspor CPO Malaysia di pasar India.

CPO is one of Indonesia's leading commodities due to its essential role as its largest foreign exchange earner for non-oil and gas exports. The increase in global demand has contributed to increasing Indonesia's CPO production as a world exporter of palm oil so that to maintain and expand its export share, Indonesia is expected to be able to compete with other large CPO exporters such as Malaysia. The objectives of this research are: (1) To determine the competitiveness of Indonesian and Malaysian CPO exports, (2) To determine the market position of Indonesian and Malaysian CPOs in the Indian market, and (3) To determine the factors influencing Indonesian and Malaysian CPO exports to the Indian market. The data used is secondary data for the 2011-2020 period, with data sources coming from the United Nations International Trade Statistics Database (UN COMTRADE) for the Revealed Symmetric Comparative Advantage (RSCA), Export Product Dynamic (EPD), and Constant Market Share (CMS) analysis methods. The results showed that Indonesian and Malaysian CPOs were comparatively competitive in the Indian market, with RSCA values of 0,89 and 0,85, respectively. EPD analysis indicates that both CPO commodities are in the Rising Star position, meaning that there has been an increase in the export market share. This commodity is concentrated in markets with dynamic demand growth. Based on CMS analysis, there was an average decline in the value of Indonesia's CPO exports by an average of US$177,11 million. The world growth and market distribution effects were the factors that most influenced the development of Indonesia's CPO export value. Meanwhile, Malaysian CPO showed a positive increase of US$58,98 million annually for the 2011-2020 period, with market distribution and competitiveness effects being the factors that most influenced the development of Malaysian CPO exports to the Indian market.

Kata Kunci : ekspor CPO Indonesia, ekspor CPO Malaysia, pasar India, daya saing, posisi pasar, analisa pangsa pasar

  1. S1-2023-439250-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-439250-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-439250-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-439250-title.pdf