Laporkan Masalah


NICHOLAS ADI P S, Prof. Dr. Dra. Erna Kristin, Apt., M.Si


Latar Belakang: Fokus utama dalam dunia kesehatan adalah medication error (ME) dan keselamatan pasien. Data menunjukkan 44.000 � 98.000 kematian terjadi di Amerika karena kesalahan dalam pengobatan. Sayangnya, kejadian tersebut belum tercatat dengan baik di Indonesia. Kejadian medication error (ME) di RS Bethesda Lempuyangwangi pada tahun 2020 sebesar 110 kasus. Kesalahan prescribing dan transcribing dalam membaca resep sejumlah 38 kasus. Direksi RSBL akan menerapkan sistem e-prescribing pada bulan Maret 2021. Tujuan: Mengurangi kejadian ME, meningkatkan kepatuhan peresepan terhadap Formularium Nasional dan memberikan gambaran persepsi penerimaan dari pengguna sistem e-prescribing. Metode: Penelitian kuantitatif dengan kuasi eksperimental dan penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Analisa data kuantitatif digunakan untuk membandingkan data ME dan angka kepatuhan peresepan terhadap Formularium Nasional sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan intervensi. Analisis data kualitatif dari data primer berupa hasil wawancara yang ditarik kesimpulan sebagai gambaran persepsi pengguna. Hasil: Kejadian ME berkurang sebesar 48,39% setelah sistem e-prescribing diterapkan. Di sisi lain, sistem peresepan manual (nilai rerata 93,38%) dan sistem e-prescribing (nilai rerata 93,04%) memiliki nilai rerata angka kepatuhan peresepan terhadap formularium nasional yang sama baik. Sistem e-prescribing tidak meningkatkan angka kepatuhan peresepan terhadap formularium nasional. Penggunaan sistem e-prescribing di masa yang akan datang didorong oleh persepsi kemudahan, persepsi manfaat dan kepuasan pengguna. Kesimpulan: (1) Penerapan resep elektronik di RSBL menurunkan angka kejadian medication error sebesar 48,39%, (2) Penerapan resep elektronik di RSBL tidak dapat meningkatkan kepatuhan peresepan terhadap formularium nasional dan (3) Penerimaan pengguna terhadap sistem resep elektronik di RSBL mendorong pengguna untuk tetap menggunakannya di masa yang akan datang

Background: The focus in health sector is medication error (ME) and patient safety. Data shows 44.000 � 98.000 deaths occur in America due to medication errors. Unfortunately, this incident has not been well recorded in Indonesia. The incidence of medication errors (ME) at Bethesda Lempuyangwangi Hospital in 2020 was 110 cases. Prescribing and transcribing errors in reading prescriptions were 38 cases. RSBL Directors plan to implement the e-prescribing system in March 2021. Objectives: Reducing the incidence of ME, increasing prescribing compliance with the National Formulary, and providing an overview of perceptions of acceptance from users of the e-prescribing system. Method: Quantitative research with quasi-experimental and qualitative research with descriptive design. Quantitative data analysis was used to compare ME data and prescription compliance rates with the National Formulary before and after the intervention. Qualitative data analysis from primary data in the form of interview results which conclusion are drawn as a description of user perceptions. Result: The icidence of ME decreased by 48,39% after the e-prescribing system was implemented. On the other hand, the manual prescribing system (mean value 93,38%) and e-prescribing system (mean value 93,04%) have the same good average score for prescribing adherence to the national formulary. The e-prescribing system does not increase the prescribing compliance rate against the national formulary. The use of e-prescribing systems in the future is driven by perceived ease of use, perceive usefulness and user satifaction. Conclusion: (1) Application of electronic prescribing at RSBL reduced the incidence of medication errors by 48,39%, (2) Application of electronic prescribing at RSBL could not increase prescribing compliance with the national formulary and (3) User acceptance of the electronic prescribing system at RSBL encouraged users to keep using it in the future

Kata Kunci : Medication Error, e-Prescribing, Kepatuhan Peresepan terhadap Fornas, Persepsi Penerimaan Pengguna, Medication Error, e-Prescribing, Prescribing Compliance with Fornas, Perception of User Acceptance

  1. S2-2023-448510-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2023-448510-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2023-448510-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2023-448510-title.pdf