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MUHAMMAD SADDAM S, Ertambang Nahartyo, Dr., M.Sc., CMA., Ak., CA.,

2023 | Tesis | Magister Manajemen

Dalam beberapa dekade terakhir, penelitian mengenai bisnis keluarga telah berkembang pesat, dan memungkinkan bagi para peneliti untuk bisa mengeksplorasi pengetahuan bisnis keluarga lebih dalam. Fenomena paradoks dan kontribusi bisnis keluarga adalah topik yang hangat diperdebatkan terutama saat pandemi Covid-19. Pada penelitian ini membahas bentuk-bentukfamiliness serta pembentukannya yang ada di salah satu bisnis keluarga yang terletak di Klaten,Jawa Tengah yaitu PT. Kosoema Nanda Putra. Selain itu penelitian ini juga membahas mengenai strategi perusahan dalam membangun resiliensi di masa pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Metode pengambilan data yang dilakukan adalah dengan melakukan wawancara secara mendalam kepada dewan direksi PT.Kosoema Nanda Putra. Dalam menganalisis temuan-temuan yang didapat PT. Kosoema Nanda Putra dilakukan dengan analisa aspek familiness dan enterprise resilience. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa terdapat lima aspek utama sumber daya familiness pada perusahaan keluarga: warisan, prinsip berbisnis, tata kelola, strategi kepemilikan dan perspektif karyawan non-keluarga. Pembentukan familiness dalam bisnis keluarga terdapat tiga perspektif: (1) Interaksi aktivitas bisnis dan keluarga menciptakan teknik produksi dan produk sebagai warisan, desentralisasi sebagai tata kelola, dan kepemilikan tradisional sebagai strategi kepemilikan; (2) Interaksi aktivitas individu dan Keluarga menciptakan loyalitas sebagai perspektif mengenai karyawan non-keluarga (3) Interaksi aktivitas individu dan bisnis menciptakan harmoni dan profesionalitas sebagai prinsip bisnis. Selain itu dengan menggunakan alat analisis enterprise resilience telah diperoleh bahwa PT. Kosoema Nanda Putra telah melakukan beberapa fase seperti fase pencegahan (prevention phase), fase perlindungan (protection phase), fase merespon (response phase), fase pemulihan (recovery phase) dan fase pencegahan baru (the new phase of prevention) untuk menghadapi penyesuaian yang disebabkan pandemi Covid-19.

In the last few decades, research on family businesses has grown rapidly, and it is possible for researchers to explore more deeply about the knowledge of family. The phenomenal paradox and contribution of the family business is a hotly debated topic, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research discusses the forms of familiness and its formation in one of the family businesses located in Klaten, Central Java, namely PT. Kosoema Nanda Putra. In addition, this research also discusses the company's strategy in building resilience during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The data collection method that had been conducted was in-depth interviews with the board of directors of PT. Kosoema Nanda Putra. In analyzing the findings obtained by PT. Kosoema Nanda Putra is carried out by analyzing aspects of familiness and corporate resilience. The results of this study found that there are five main aspects of family resources in family firms: inheritance, business principles, governance, strategic ownership and prospects for non-family employees. The formation of familiness in family businesses has three perspectives: (1) The interaction of business activities and families creates production techniques and products as inheritance, decentralization as governance, and traditional ownership as strategic ownership;(2) The interaction of individual and family activities creates loyalty as a perspective regarding non-family employees (3) The interaction of individual and business activities creates harmony and professionalism as a business principle. In addition, by using a corporate resilience analysis tool, it has been found that PT. Kosoema Nanda Putra has carried out several phases such as the prevention phase, protection phase, response phase, recovery phase and new prevention phase to undergo adjustments caused by the pandemic Covid-19.

Kata Kunci : Perusahaan keluarga, Covid-19, Familiness, Enterprise Resilience/Family Business, Covid-19, Familiness, Enterprise Resilience

  1. S2-2023-470986-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2023-470986-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2023-470986-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2023-470986-title.pdf