Keanekaragaman dan Kelimpahan Nematoda Parasit Tanaman pada Sentra Tanaman Jagung di Kabupaten Klaten
OKTAVIA NUR KASANAH, Dr. Ir. Siwi Indarti, M.P.
2023 | Skripsi | S1 PROTEKSI TANAMANNematoda parasit tanaman merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab terhambatnya pertumbuhan tanaman jagung. Survei kehilangan hasil yang dilakukan di Amerika Serikat dan Kanada menunjukkan bahwa sekitar 1.7 juta metrik ton jagung hilang disebabkan serangan nematoda parasitik. Informasi mengenai keberadaan, keanekaragaman, dan kelimpahan jenis nematoda parasitik pada tanaman jagung di Kabupaten Klaten belum pernah dilaporkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis nematoda yang berasosiasi dengan tanaman jagung, keanekaragaman, serta kelimpahan masing-masing jenis nematoda parasitik pada tanaman jagung pada beberapa kecamatan yang memiliki produktivitas tinggi dalam budidaya tanaman jagung. Survei dilakukan pada lima kecamatan yaitu Kecamatan Wedi, Trucuk, Jatinom, Jogonalan, dan Kalikotes dengan metode eksplorasi secara langsung. Ekstraksi-Isolasi nematoda dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Whitehead Tray. Dari hasil penelitian, ditemukan 5 genus nematoda parasit yang berasosiasi dengan tanaman jagung, yaitu Pratylenchus, Hirschmanniella, dan Meloidogyne pada akar, serta genus Criconemoides dan Helicotylenchus pada tanah. Populasi tertinggi ditemui pada Kecamatan Jogonalan lokasi 1 dengan jumlah nematoda Hirschmanniella, 225/5 g akar. Adapun pada sampel tanah populasi tertinggi ditemui pada Kecamatan Jatinom lokasi 1 dengan jumlah nematoda Helicotylenchus 135/100 g tanah. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan Indeks Keragaman menurut Shannon-Wiener (H'), keragaman nematoda parasitik tanaman jagung baik di akar maupun pada tanah di Kabupaten Klaten dikategorikan rendah karena nilai H'<1. Pada sampel akar nematoda yang paling dominan yaitu Pratylenchus dan Hirschmanniella, sedangkan pada sampel tanah nematoda yang paling dominan berasal dari genus Helicotylenchus. Data dan informasi dari hasil survei ini dapat digunakan untuk menilai potensi risiko kehilangan hasil akibat nematoda parasitik, sehingga kerugian yang lebih besar dapat dicegah sejak awal.
Plant parasitic nematodes are one of the factors causing stunted growth of corn plants. Yield loss surveys conducted in the United States and Canada indicated that approximately 1.7 million metric tons of corn were lost due to parasitic nematode infestation. Information on the presence, diversity, and abundance of parasitic nematode species on corn in Klaten District has never been reported. This study aims to identify the types of nematodes associated with corn, the diversity and abundance of each type of parasitic nematodes on corn in several districts that have high productivity in corn cultivation. The survey was conducted in five sub-districts, namely Wedi, Trucuk, Jatinom, Jogonalan and Kalikotes sub-districts using the direct exploration method. Extraction-Isolation of nematodes was carried out using the Whitehead Tray method. From the research results, 5 genera of parasitic nematodes associated with corn plants were found, namely Pratylenchus, Hirschmanniella, and Meloidogyne on roots, as well as genera Criconemoides and Helicotylenchus on soil. The highest population was found in Jogonalan District location 1 with the number of Hirschmanniella nematodes, 225/5 g of roots. As for the soil samples, the highest population was found in Jatinom District, location 1 with the number of Helicotylenchus nematodes 135/100 g of soil. Based on the results of the calculation of the Diversity Index according to Shannon-Wiener (H'), the diversity of parasitic nematodes of corn plants both in the roots and in the soil in Klaten Regency is categorized as low because the value of H'<1. In the root samples, the most dominant nematodes were Pratylenchus and Hirschmanniella, while in the soil samples, the most dominant nematodes were from the genus Helicotylenchus. Data and information from the results of this survey can be used to assess the potential risk of yield loss due to parasitic nematodes, so that larger losses can be prevented from the start.
Kata Kunci : nematoda parasit, jagung, keanekaragaman, kelimpahan, klaten