Evolution of the corporate strategy of Electricite de France group over the period 2011-2022
Youri Besson, Pak Rocky Adiguna
2023 | Tesis | Magister ManajemenEvolution of the coporate strategy of EDF group over the period 2011-2022 : international presence, energy mix, organizational change. Impact of strategies and causes. Text mining analysis
This research aims to identify the Electricité de France group�s corporate strategy since 2011 and its changes until the first half of 2022. The impacts of these strategies and the causes of the changes are studied. Thus, the interest of research focuses on the group�s international presence, its energy mix, its organizational changes . The data collected consists of annual reports available on the company�s website and various press articles. This research shows that the group and its leaders experience a dependency on the track and ossification of the enterprise as time passes. Change occurs rarely and as a result of external causes. The managers see the organization as fixed and immutable. In addition, the major strategic orientations are decided by the French government, which leaves little room for manoeuvre to the top management of the group.
Kata Kunci : EDF group, corporate strategy, organizational change, text mining analysis, period