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Relasi Manusia-Teknologi-Dunia: Rest in Fear-2 Dalam Sudut Pandang Estetika Marxisme

CITRA RAHMA EL K, Dr. Suwarno Wisetrotomo


Perjumpaan dengan karya Rest in Fear-2 yang dipamerkan dalam pameran Biennale Jogja XV tahun 2019 dapat menimbulkan berbagai tanggapan. Tanggapan tersebut dapat berupa pertanyaan, dukungan dan dugaan dari bentuk karya dan pesan karya menganai permasalahan ruang istirahat pekerja. Dari tanggapan tersebut muncul berbagai tema diskursus, diantaranya diskursus mengenai bagaimana proses pembuatan karya Rest in Fear-2, bagaimana hubungan yang terbentuk antara karya dengan penciptanya, dan bagaimana pembacaan karya Rest in Fear-2 dari sudut pandang estetika marxisme sebagai salah satu tanggapan dari perjumpaan dengan karya. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui hasil analisis bentuk relasi antara Pendulum dengan instrumen/teknologi dalam mengungkap permasalahan ketidaknyamanan atau ketiadaan ruang istirahat bagi pekerja melalui media fotografi hingga menjadi karya karya Rest in Fear-2. Selain itu, penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui hasil analisis bagaimana pembacaan teks Rest in Fear-2 dalam cakrawala esetika marxisme. Untuk meganalisis karya tersebut dan memenuhi tujuan penelitian tersebut hermeneutika material digunakan sebagai pendekatan dalam penelitian ini. Bentuk penelitian ini yaitu penelitian kualitatif. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Yogyakarta dan Pringsewu, Lampung. Lokasi menyesuaikan kondisi lingkungan karana penelitian diadakan saat pandemi Covid-19 berlangsung. Tahapan analisis data yang dilakukan yaitu memilih salah satu media yang digunakan dalam karya tersebut, mendeskripsikan bentuk dan konsep karya, data deskripsi karya Rest in Fear-2 dan data intepretasi wawancara diintepretasi kembali dalam sudut pandang Estetika marxisme, tahapan terakhir yaitu penyimpulan. Kesimpulan dari analisis ini yaitu, bentuk relasi yang terbentuk antara Pendulum dengan instrumen/teknologi dalam mengungkap permasalahan ketidaknyamanan atau ketiadaan ruang istirahat bagi pekerja melalui media fotografi hingga menjadi karya karya Rest in Fear-2 adalah ralasi kebertubuhan, relasi hermeneutis, dan relasi latar belakang. Pembacaan karya Rest in Fear-2 dalam sudut pandang estetika marxisme dilihat dari dialektika, isi dan bentuk, keterasingan dan pertentangan kelas.

The encounter with the artwork Rest in Fear-2 that has been exhibited in the Biennale Jogja XV 2019 can lead to a number of responses. These responses can be in the form of questions, supports, and assumptions toward the type and the message of the artwork with regards to the issue of the workers resting space. From these responses, multiple themes of discourse appears such as the discourse about the process of making the Rest in Fear -2 artwork, the relationship that has been established between the artwork and the creator, and the reading of the Rest in Fear-2 artwork from the perspective of Marxism aesthetics. These responses are among those that have been resulted from the encounter with the artwork. The study thus aims at analysing the form of relationship between the pendulum and the instrument/technology in uncovering the issues of inconvenience or the absence of the resting space for the workers through the photography medium until the Rest in Fear-2 artwork can be created. In addition, the study also aims at analysing the reading of the Rest in Fear-2 text from the horizon of Marxism aesthetics. In order to analyse the artwork and the objective of the study, the material hermeneutics approach has been adopted in the study. The nature of the study itself is qualitative study. The study has been conducted in Yogyakarta and Pringsewu, Lampung. The location should be adjusted to the neighborhood conditions since the study was conducted during the Covid-19 pandemic. The stages in the data analysis process can be outlined as follows: (1) selecting one of the media that will be used in the artwork; (2) describing the type and the concept of the artwork; (3) gathering the data on the description of the Rest in Fear-2 artwork and the data on the interpretation of the interview as the interview results are reinterpreted again from the perspective of Marxism aesthetics; and (4) drawing the conclusions. The conclusion of the study shows that the form the relationship that has been established between the pendulum and the instrument/technology in uncovering the inconvenience or the absence of resting space for the workers from the photography medium to the Rest in Fear-2 artwork are the body relationship, the hermeneutics relationship, and the background relationship. The Rest in Fear-2 artwork from the perspective of Marxism aesthetics is read from the aspects of dialectics, forms and contents, alienation, and class conflict.

Kata Kunci : Relasi Manusia-Teknologi-Dunia, Hermeneutika material, Estetika marxisme

  1. S2-2023-450106-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2023-450106-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2023-450106-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2023-450106-title.pdf