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Webtoon Meolliseo Bomyeon Pureun Bom dan Drama Meolliseo Bomyeon Pureun Bom (At a Distance, Spring is Green): Kajian Ekranisasi

VINCENTIA JASMINE S, Suray Agung Nugroho, S.S., M.A., Ph. D.


Sesuatu yang diadaptasi menjadi bentuk lain tentu mengalami perubahan. Begitu pula yang akan terjadi apabila suatu webtoon diadaptasi menjadi drama. Salah satu contohnya adalah webtoon Meolliseo Bomyeon Pureun Bom karya Ji Nyoong yang diadaptasi menjadi drama Meolliseo Bomyeon Pureun Bom (At a Distance Spring is Green) oleh Kim Jung-hyun. Meskipun Kim Jung-hyun selaku sutradara mengaku kalau ia ingin setia pada webtoonnya, tetap saja terjadi perubahan. Perubahan yang terjadi tentu tidak hanya ada satu dan dapat terkait satu dengan yang lainnya. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan guna menunjukkan dan menganalisis perubahan yang terjadi pada tokoh dan alur webtoon serta drama tersebut. Penulis menggunakan pendekatan struktural Robert Stanton untuk menentukan tokoh dan alur dalam webtoon dan drama tersebut. Kemudian, teori ekranisasi George Bluestone penulis gunakan untuk menganalisis perubahan apa saja yang terjadi akibat proses ekranisasi. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis mengumpulkan data berupa kutipan kalimat atau dialog serta tangkapan layar adegan yang muncul dalam webtoon Meolliseo Bomyeon Pureun Bom dan drama Meolliseo Bomyeon Pureun Bom (At a Distance, Spring is Green). Data tersebut kemudian penulis analisis untuk mengetahui tokoh dan alur yang ditambahkan, dihapus, atau diganti. Hasil penelitian ini adalah terdapat total sebelas penambahan, enam penghapusan, dan enam pergantian pada tokoh dan alur webtoon Meolliseo Bomyeon Pureun Bom dan drama Meolliseo Bomyeon Pureun Bom (At a Distance, Spring is Green). Contohnya, adalah ditambahkannya tokoh Oh Cheon-guk pada drama yang menyebabkan penambahan pada alur, yakni alur ketika ia menjebak Kim So-bin lalu berkelahi dengan Yeo Jun. Lalu, ada penghapusan tokoh Sang-tae yang tidak memberi pengaruh apa-apa pada drama sehingga ia dihapus karena kurang penting. Kemudian, pergantian tokoh Kim So-bin yang dalam drama menjadi mahasiswi jurusan bisnis menyebabkan pergantian pada alur ketika ia bertemu Yeo Jun untuk pertama kalinya.

Something that is adapted into another form certainly changes. And the same one will happen if a webtoon is adapted into a drama. One of the example for this is webtoon Meolliseo Bomyeon Pureun Bom by Ji Nyoong which was adapted into the drama Meolliseo Bomyeon Pureun Bom (At a Distance Spring is Green) by Kim Jung-hyun. Although Kim Jung-hyun, as the director, said that he wanted to stay faithful to the webtoon, still there are changes that happened. These changes of course are not only one and they may be connected with one another. Therefore, this study aims to show and analyze the changes that occur in the characters and plot of the said webtoon and its drama adaptation. In this study, Robert Stanton's structural approach is used to determine the characters and plot in the webtoon and drama. Meanwhile, George Bluestone's ecranization theory is used to determine and analyze what changes occur as a result of the ecranization process. In this study, the data used were in the form of sentences or dialogues and also screenshots of scenes that appear in the webtoon Meolliseo Bomyeon Pureun Bom and the drama Meolliseo Bomyeon Pureun Bom (At a Distance, Spring is Green). The data were then analyzed to find out which characters and plots are added, deleted, or altered. The results of this study are that there are a total of eleven additions, six deletions, and six alterations to the character and plot of the webtoon Meolliseo Bomyeon Pureun Bom and the drama Meolliseo Bomyeon Pureun Bom (At a Distance, Spring is Green). For example, the addition of a character named Oh Cheon-guk which causes the addition of the plot where he tricked Kim So-bin and then fights with Yeo Jun. Then, there is a deletion for the character named Sang-tae. This deletion does not give any effect to other characters or the plot, so it can be said that Sang-tae is deleted because his role is not important. Next, there is an alteration to the character named Kim So-bin that resulted in Kim So-bin being a business major student instead of a Japanese language major student like in the webtoon. This alteration causes the alteration that happened to the plot where she met Yeo Jun for the first time.

Kata Kunci : webtoon, drama, ekranisasi, meolliseo bomyeon pureun bom, at a distance spring is green

  1. S1-2022-428379-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2022-428379-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2022-428379-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2022-428379-title.pdf