SHOFIYAH QOTRUNNADA, Runavia Mulyasari, S.Ant., M.A.
2022 | Skripsi | S1 PARIWISATAKemunculan pandemi Covid-19 telah berdampak bagi daerah yang bergantung pada sektor pariwisata, seperti Kota Yogyakarta. Pemerintah daerah mengeluarkan kebijakan penutupan destinasi wisata sepanjang bulan April hingga Juni 2020. Kebijakan ini turut berdampak pada salah satu destinasi unggulannya, yaitu Gembira Loka Zoo. Destinasi tersebut mengalami kesulitan dalam mengeluarkan biaya operasional bagi satwa serta menggaji karyawan. Gembira Loka Zoo menetapkan kebijakan merumahkan karyawan dengan ketentuan pendapatan gaji tidak utuh dan tidak melakukan PHK. Terlebih, terdapat pernyataan bahwa perusahaan mengutamakan pemberdayaan bagi pekerja untuk melaksanakan tugas pada bidang/unitnya. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini berusaha melihat persepsi para pekerja mengenai kesejahteraan mereka selama pandemi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kualitatif, selanjutnya dianalisis dalam bentuk deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan deskripsi dari kondisi kesejahteraan yang dialami kelima pekerja di Gembira Loka Zoo berdasarkan pada lima komponen model PERMA, yaitu positive emotions, engagement, relationships dan accomplishment. Deskripsi yang dimiliki beragam, sesuai kondisi bidang/unit tiap pekerja. Meskipun terdapat adanya perubahan dalam beberapa aspek, kelima pekerja tetap menunjukkan tanggapan positif terhadap pekerjaannya. Perubahan ini ditemukan dalam hal hubungan antar rekan kerja dan cara kerja tim sebagai dampak pandemi Covid-19. Terlebih, dalam mendeskripsikan pandangan pribadi dalam jangka panjang serta keinginan berkontribusi pada Gembira Loka Zoo, kelima pekerja menyatakan keinginannya untuk tetap mengabdi.
The emergence of Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on area that depends on the tourism sector, Kota Yogyakarta. The local government issued a policy of closing tourist destinations throughout April to June 2020. This policy has had an impact on one of its leading destinations, Gembira Loka Zoo. These destinations have difficulty in issuing operational costs for animals and paying the workers. Gembira Loka Zoo has established policy of laying off workers with the provision that the salary income is not complete and does not make layoffs. Moreover, there is a statement that the company prioritizes empowerment for workers to carry out tasks in their fields/units. Therefore, this study seeks to review the condition of individual workers that the policy has an impact on their well-being. This research is using qualitative as the method then being analyzed in descriptive form. The results showed description of well-being conditions experienced by the five workers at Gembira Loka Zoo using the PERMA model. These descriptions are vary, according to the conditions of the field/unit of each worker. Despite the changes in several aspects, the five workers still showed a positive response to their job. This change was found in the relationship between co-workers and the team work as a result of the pandemic. Moreover, in describing their personal views in the long term and their desire to contribute for Gembira Loka Zoo, the five workers expressed their desire to continue serving.
Kata Kunci : Kata kunci : Kesejahteraan, Pandemi Covid-19, Pariwisata, Pekerja, Gembira Loka Zoo / Keywords: Well-being, Covid-19 Pandemic, Tourism, Workers, Gembira Loka Zoo