MANAJEMEN KOMUNIKASI KRISIS PEMERINTAH DAERAH (Studi Kasus pada Humas Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dalam Menangani Pandemi Covid-19 Gelombang 2 pada Bulan Mei-Juli 2021
KAMILA SALSABELA, Prof. Dr. Ana Nadhya Abrar, M.E.S.
2022 | Tesis | MAGISTER ILMU KOMUNIKASIBanyak fenomena muncul terkait penanganan krisis pandemi covid-19 diantaranya permasalahan hoax, rumor, disrupsi informasi hingga distrust issue terhadap pemerintah. Maka dari itu, permasalahan di atas menjadi tantangan pihak Humas Pemda DIY dalam penanganan covid-19 terlebih maraknya penggunaan teknologi komunikasi yang tidak diikuti dengan kebijaksanaan dalam menerima informasi. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini berisi bagaimana manajemen komunikasi krisis yang dilakukan Humas Pemda Provinsi DIY dalam menangani pandemi covid-19 gelombang 2 pada Bulan Mei-Juli 2022. Tujuannya untuk menganalisa, membedah proses penyusunan manajemen komunikasi krisis dan keterkaitan daerah keistimewaan DIY dengan kebijakan Pemda DIY dalam penanganan covid-19 gelombang 2. Menggunakan metode studi kasus dengan kerangka konsep model manajemen krisis crisis ready model dipadupadankan dengan model public relations yaitu four models of public relations. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam, dokumentasi, studi data sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Humas Pemda DIY tidak membuat tim khusus penanganan covid-19, tidak menyusun perencanaan manajemen krisis jangka panjang, dan tidak melakukan uji coba implementasi program. Poin kuatnya pengetahuan Humas Pemda DIY mengenai krisis dan antisipasi isu viral yang berpotensi krisis serta peran Gubernur DIY sebagai Raja. Model public relations Humas Pemda DIY cenderung menggunakan public information model yang dipadupadankan dengan two-way asymmetric model.
Many phenomena have emerged related to the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, including hoaxes, rumors, information disruption to distrust issues against the government. Therefore, the above problems are a challenge for the DIY Regional Government Public Relations in handling COVID-19, especially the widespread use of communication technology that is not followed by wisdom in receiving information. The formulation of the problem in this study contains how the crisis communication management is carried out by the Public Relations of the DIY Provincial Government in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic wave 2 in May-July 2022. The aim is to analyze, dissect the process of preparing crisis communication management and the linkage of the Special Region of DIY with the policies of the DIY Regional Government in handling Covid-19 wave 2. Using the case study method with the framework of the crisis management model, the crisis ready model is combined with the public relations model, namely the four models of public relations. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, documentation, and secondary data studies. The results showed that the DIY Regional Government Public Relations did not create a special team for handling COVID-19, did not develop a long-term crisis management plan, and did not conduct program implementation trials. The strong points are the knowledge of the DIY Regional Government Public Relations regarding the crisis and anticipating viral issues that have the potential to become a crisis and the role of the DIY Governor as King. The DIY Public Relations model tends to use a public information model that is mixed and matched with the two-way asymmetric model.
Kata Kunci : manajemen krisis, komunikasi krisis, penanganan covid-19, covid-19 gelombang 2, hubungan masyarakat, humas pemerintah daerah, Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi DIY