Analisis Bentuk dan Fungsi Tindak Tutur Memuji dalam Drama Korea True Beauty
DEVI NURIAZZAHRO G.P, Dr. Yohanes Tri Mastoyo, M. Hum
2022 | Skripsi | S1 BAHASA DAN KEBUDAYAAN KOREAPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bentuk dan fungsi tindak tutur memuji yang terdapat dalam dialog-dialog tokoh drama True Beauty. Data penelitian berupa data lisan yang bersumber dari percakapan antar tokoh yang ada dalam drama. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan metode simak dan catat. Data yang telah diklasifikasi, dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif dengan teori Holmes (1986) dan Bruti (2006) tentang tindak tutur pujian. Oleh Bruti (2006) tindak tutur memuji menjadi 4 bentuk, yaitu berdasarkan sumbernya, berdasarkan ekspresinya, berdasarkan targetnya, dan berdasarkan ketulusannya. Selanjutnya data dianalisis berdasarkan fungsinya menggunakan teori Holmes (1986) yang membagi tindak tutur menjadi 5 jenis yaitu untuk memuji penampilan, kepribadian, kepemilikan, kemampuan dan kualitas. Dalam penelitian ini, (1) berdasarkan sumbernya, ditemukan initiative compliment dan reactive compliment. (2) Berdasarkan ekspresinya, yaitu explicit compliment dan implicit compliment. (3) Berdasarkan targetnya, mencakup direct compliment dan indirect compliment dan (4) berdasarkan ketulusannya, dibagi menjadi solicited compliment dan unsolicited compliment. Pada drama ini, tindak tutur memuji dengan bentuk initiative-explicit-direct-unsolicited serta tindak tutur memuji dengan fungsi memuji penampilan menjadi tuturan terbanyak yang digunakan dalam percakapan dalam drama True Beauty.
his study aims to identify the forms and functions of the speech acts of praise found in the dialogues of the drama characters of True Beauty. The research data is in the form of oral data that comes from conversations between characters in the drama. The classified data were analyzed descriptively qualitatively with the theory of Holmes (1986) and Bruti (2006) regarding speech acts of praise. By Bruti (2006), speech acts of praise are divided into 4 forms, namely based on the source, based on the expression, based on the target, and based on the sincerity. Furthermore, the data was analyzed based on its function using the theory of Holmes (1986) which divides speech acts into 5 types, namely praising appearance, personality, possession, ability and quality. In this study, (1) based on the source found initiative compliment and reactive compliment. (2) Based on the expression, namely explicit compliment and implicit compliment. (3) Based on the target, it includes direct compliment and indirect compliment and (4) based on sincerity, it is divided into solicited compliment and unsolicited compliment. In this drama, the speech act of praising with the form of initiative-explicit-direct- unsolicited and the speech act of praising with the function of praising appearance are the most used speech in conversation in the drama True Beauty.
Kata Kunci : Tindak tutur memuji, bentuk memuji, fungsi memuji, drama True Beauty.