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Misinformasi dan Disinformasi Vaksin COVID-19 di Indonesia dalam Perspektif Filsafat Komunikasi Jurgen Habermas

HERVY VITRIANADEWI, Dr. Hastanti Widy Nugroho

2022 | Skripsi | S1 FILSAFAT

Penelitian ini memberikan gambaran tentang analisis filosofis terkait fenomena hoaks vaksin COVID-19 di media sosial Indonesia. Misinformasi dan disinformasi merupakan bagian dari hoaks yang menimbulkan permasalahan baru di tengah masyarakat. Permasalahan muncul dapat menyebabkan krisis kepercayaan (trust issue) terhadap pemberitaan media mengenai vaksin COVID-19. Penelitian dilakukan untuk menjelaskan misinformasi dan disinformasi tentang vaksin COVID-19 yang terjadi di media sosial Indonesia, menguraikan dampak dari fenomena misinformasi dan disinformasi bagi masyarakat di Indonesia, serta menganalisis secara kritis filsafat komunikasi Jurgen Habermas terhadap terjadinya misinformasi dan disinformasi vaksin COVID-19 di Indonesia. Langkah yang ditempuh dalam penelitian ini, yaitu dengan cara melakukan studi kepustakaan yang memiliki sumber data dari beberapa literatur berupa buku, jurnal, artikel, dan berita online. Literatur berita online diambil dari bulan Januari 2021-Desember 2021. Penelitian ini, misinformasi dan disinformasi vaksin COVID-19 digunakan sebagai objek material dan kajian teori validity claim sebagai objek formal. Pemahaman tersebut dituangkan dalam bentuk laporan penelitian yang sistematis dengan menggunakan metode hermeneutik filosofis dengan unsur deskripsi, interpretasi, induksi dan deduksi, holistika, dan refleksi peneliti. Hasil yang dicapai penelitian ini, yaitu: (1) Hoaks merupakan bagian dari misinformasi dan disinformasi. Fenomena hoaks vaksin COVID-19 dilakukan secara masif melalui media sosial di Indonesia sehingga menyebabkan krisis kepercayaan di masyarakat; (2) Fenomena misinformasi dan disinformasi vaksin COVID-19 memberikan dampak negatif yaitu distorsi informasi yang menyebabkan mundurnya literasi digital; (3) Konsep klaim kesahihan (validity claim) melihat bahwa terdapat penyimpangan terhadap kebenaran (truth), ketepatan (normative rightness), kejujuran (sincerity), dan komprehensibilitas (comprehensibility) pada pemberitaan maupun informasi vaksin COVID-19 di media sosial Indonesia sehingga menyebabkan kesesatan berpikir atau logical fallacy dalam runtutan penerbitan berita informasi.

This research provides an overview about philosophical analysis related to the phenomenon of the COVID-19 vaccine hoax in Indonesian social media. Misinformation and disinformation are part of the hoax that creates new problems in society. The problems can cause a crisis of trust (trust issue) in media coverage about COVID-19 vaccine. The study was conducted to explain misinformation and disinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine that occurred on Indonesian social media, describe the impact of misinformation and disinformation on society in Indonesia, and critically analyze Jurgen Habermas's philosophy of communication on the occurrence of misinformation and disinformation on COVID-19 vaccines in Indonesia. The steps taken in this research, are by conducting a literature study that has data sources from several literatures in the form of books, journals, articles, and online news. The online news literature is taken from January 2021-December 2021. In this study, misinformation and disinformation of COVID-19 vaccine were used as material objects and the study of validity claim theory as a formal object. This understanding is expressed in the form of a systematic research report using the philosophical hermeneutic method with elements of description, interpretation, induction and deduction, holistic, and researcher reflection. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Hoax is part of misinformation and disinformation. The phenomenon of COVID-19 vaccine hoax was carried out massively through social media in Indonesia, causing a crisis of trust in the society; (2) The phenomenon of misinformation and disinformation related to COVID-19 vaccine has given negative impact, namely distortion of information that causes digital literacy decline; (3) The concept of validity claim sees that there are deviations from truth, normative rightness, sincerity, and comprehensiveness in the news and information about COVID-19 vaccine on social media in Indonesia, causing logical fallacy in the sequence of publishing information news.

Kata Kunci : misinformasi, disinformasi, validity claim, Vaksin COVID-19, misinformation, disinformation, COVID-19 Vaccine

  1. S1-2022-429618-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2022-429618-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2022-429618-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2022-429618-title.pdf