PENGARUH E-SPORTS SPONSORSHIP NON-ENDEMIC BRAND TERHADAP GAMERS MOBILE LEGENDS (Studi Pada Non-Endemic Brand AXE Deodorant Pada Event MPL Dalam Membentuk Brand Purchase Intention)
AJENG GENDARI SAYANG, Dr. Widodo Agus Setianto, M.Si.
2022 | Tesis | MAGISTER ILMU KOMUNIKASIAktivitas bermain game diminati oleh sebagian besar masyarakat khususnya anak muda. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh semakin populernya dunia Esport dan game Mobile Legends yang mana di tahun 2020 Indonesia juga telah meresmikan esports sebagai cabang olahraga prestasi. Kepopuleran ditandai dengan masuknya non- endemic brand seperti AXE yang menjadi sponsor utama untuk acara kompetisi esports divisi game Mobile Legends. Strategi komunikasi pemasaran melalui sponsorship tentu harapannya dapat menimbulkan efek terhadap konsumen seperti minat beli terhadap produk. Evolusi pasar yang terjadi pada industri gaming ini yang lalu menjadi menarik untuk dikaji lebih lanjut, bagaimana merek non-endemik seperti AXE mulai masuk ke ranah industri gaming. Sementara mempertimbangkan target audiens dalam kegiatan sponsorship juga lah penting. Penelitian dengan menggunakan kuantitatif menguji variabel esport sponsorship (X), brand purchase intention (Z), dan gaya hidup (Y). Survei dilakukan terhadap 400 responden dengan hasil temuan yang menunjukkan bahwa (1) esports sponsorship oleh brand non-endemik AXE memberikan pengaruh terhadap brand purchase intention. Adanya (2) gaya hidup juga memperkuat hubungan antara esports sponsorship dengan brand purchase intention yang ditunjukkan dengan peningkatan nilai R-square dari 42,7% menjadi 78,6%. Meski produk AXE tidak berhubungan secara langsung dengan aktivitas gamers, hasil analisis menunjukkan mayoritas pengguna Mobile Legends menerima dan mendukung AXE yang mensponsori acara Mobile Legends Premiere League (MPL) S6.
The activity of playing games is in demand by most people, especially young age. This research is motivated by the growing popularity of Esports and Mobile Legends games, which in 2020 Indonesia has also inaugurated esports as an achievement sport. Popularity is marked by the inclusion of non-endemic brands such as AXE, which is the main sponsor for the Mobile Legends esports division game competition event. The marketing communication strategy through sponsorship is certainly expected to have an effect on consumers such as product purchase intention. The market evolution that occurred in the gaming industry in the past is interesting to study further, how non- endemic brands such as AXE began to enter the realm of the gaming industry. While considering the target audience in sponsorship activities it is also important. This quantitative research to examine the variables of esports sponsorship (X), brand purchase intention (Z), and lifestyle (Y). The survey was conducted on 400 respondents with findings showing that (1) esports sponsorship by non-endemic brand AXE has an influence on brand purchase intention. The existence of (2) lifestyle also strengthens the relationship between esports sponsorship and brand purchase intention as indicated by an increase in the R-square value from 42.7% to 78.6%. Although AXE products are not directly related to gamers' activities, the results of the analysis show that the majority of Mobile Legends users accept and support AXE sponsoring the Mobile Legends Premiere League (MPL) S6 event.
Kata Kunci : esports sponsorship, brand purchase intention, gaya hidup, non-endemic brand