The Use of Instagram @winpropertysolo as Social Media Marketing in Building Brand Awareness of Win Property
HANIK PRIMA SARI W, Erlin Estiana Yuanti, S.S., M.A.
2021 | Tugas Akhir | D4 BAHASA INGGRISPenelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh sosial media marketing melalui Instagram terhadap kesadaran merek pada Win Property. Penelitian ini juga dilakukan untuk mengetahui pentingnya menggunakan sosial media marketing berupa Instagram dalam membangun kesadaran merek dan menentukan level tingkat kesadaran merek Win Property. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode gabungan dengan model Sequential Explanatory, yaitu menggunakan kuantitatif sebagai data utama dengan menyebar kuisioner kepada 140 pengikut pada akun Instagram @winpropertysolo dan kualitatif berupa wawancara dengan admin Instagram dan responden sebagai data tambahan. Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara variabel Sosial Media Marketing (X) terhadap variabel Kesadaran Merek (Y) yang dibuktikan dari hasil analisis regresi yaitu t hitung 8,815 > t tabel 1,660. Ditemukan juga hasil koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,600, yang artinya Pemasaran Media Sosial (X) mempunyai korelasi positif yang kuat terhadap Kesadaran Merek (Y). Kemudian ditemukan juga Adjuster R square sebesar 35,6%, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang kuat dan positif antara Pemasaran Media Sosial Instagram @winproperty dengan Kesadaran Merek. Kemudian pengaruh antara kedua variabel tersebut sebesar 35,6%, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 74,4% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Data kuantitatif tersebut didukung dengan hasil wawancara kepada 2 admin Instagram dan 3 partisipan. Win Property menggunakan Instagram sebagai social media marketing untuk mempromosikan perumahan dan membangun brand awareness. Seperti yang disampaikan oleh admin Instagram bahwa sangat penting melakukan promosi dan meningkatkan kesadaran merek kepada khalayak agar lebih banyak dikenal dan banyak yang membeli rumah di Win Property. Banyak dari para responden mengetahui Win Property dari Instagram dan akhirnya mengikuti akun @winpropertysolo karena tertarik dengan perumahan serta fasilitas yang dimiliki Win Property. Dalam penelitian ini, tingkat kesadaran merek Win Property diukur melalui Brand Recall dari piramida Kesadaran Merek. Berdasarkan hasil dimensi, menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 69% responden menjawab setuju dan sangat setuju. Hal ini juga terlihat dari hasil wawancara dengan followers Instagram Win Property. Ketiga orang yang diwawancarai dapat menyebutkan nama rumah yang dijual di Win Property, khususnya 2 atau 3 rumah di Area Boyolali. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa responden memikirkan Win Property ketika mengingat kualitas rumah subsidi di Solo Raya dan mengenali Perumahan Win Property melalui desain, logo, lokasi, dan atribut lainnya. Dengan demikian data kualitatif ini memperkuat data kuantitatif dan memperluas data kuantitatif yaitu dengan menambahkan faktor lain yang mempengaruhi responden mengenali Win Property dan strategi yang digunakan Win Property untuk mempromosikan dan membangun kesadaran merek diantaranya melalui media offline berupa brosur, billboard, round tag, dan T banner, dan media online selain Instagram yaitu Facebook, Youtube, Tiktok, dan website listing jual beli properti.
This study aims to determine how social media marketing through Instagram correlates to brand awareness on Win Property. This study was also conducted to determine the importance of using social media marketing in the form of Instagram in building brand awareness and determining the level of brand awareness of Win Property. This study uses a combined method with a Sequential Explanatory model, which uses quantitative as primary data by distributing questionnaires to 140 followers of the @winpropertysolo Instagram account and uses qualitative data by conducting interviews with Instagram admins and respondents as additional data to complete the data. From the research results, it can be concluded that there is a positive and significant influence between the Social Media Marketing (X) variable on Brand Awareness (Y). It is proven from the regression analysis results, namely t count 8.815 > t table 1.660. It was found that the correlation coefficient was 0.600, which means the correlation coefficient is between 0.5 - 0.75. This means that Social Media Marketing (X) has a strong and positive correlation to Brand Awareness (Y). Then, it is also supported by the value of Adjuster R square as much as 35.6%. Thus, it can be said that there is a strong and positive relationship between Social Media Marketing Instagram @winproperty and Brand Awareness. While the remaining 74.4% is influenced by other factors not examined in this study. The quantitative data are supported by the results of interviews with Instagram 2 admins and 3 respondents. Win Property uses Instagram as social media to promote their product/services and to build brand awareness. As mentioned by the admins that it is very important to promote house for sales and increase brand awareness to the public so that they are more widely known, and many are buying houses at Win Property. Many of the participants knew about Win Property from Instagram and finally followed the @winpropertysolo account because they were interested in the housing and facilities owned by Win Property. In this study, the level of brand awareness of Win Property is measured through Brand Recall from the Brand Awareness pyramid. Based on the results of the dimensions, it shows that 69% of the respondents answered agree and strongly agree. This is also evident from the results of interviews with Win Property's Instagram followers. Three interviewees were able to name the houses for sale at Win Property, specifically 2 or 3 houses in the Boyolali Area. It can be said that respondents can know Win Property when considering the quality of subsidized housing in Solo Raya and recognize Win Property Housing through its design, logo, location, and other attributes. Thus, this qualitative data strengthens quantitative data, namely by adding other things that influence respondents to recognize Win Property and the strategies used by Win Property to promote and build brand awareness, including offline media; in the form of brochures, billboards, round tags, and T banners, and online media other than Instagram, namely Facebook, Youtube, Tiktok, and website listings for buying and selling property.
Kata Kunci : brand awareness, Instagram, marketing communications, social media, Win property