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Andhika Raditya B., Standard Operating Procedures, Plaza BI, Principles of Justice, Business Ethics

2020 | Skripsi | S1 FILSAFAT

Perkembangan industri yang sangat pesat memacu para pelaku bisnis semakin kompetitif dan inovatif. Sebuah bisnis dapat berlangsung baik jika relasi antar karyawan-atasan berjalan dengan baik, oleh karena itu diperlukan regulasi untuk mengatur relasi tersebut. Prosedur Operasional Standard hadir sebagai wadah untuk mengatur kewajiban dan hak karyawan. Prosedur Operasional Standar kasir Plaza BI merupakan objek material dari penelitian ini, sedangkan prinsip keadilan etika bisnis menjadi objek formalnya. Tujuan penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pemahaman Prosedur Operasional Standar yang baik dalam kegiatan bisnis dengan mempertimbangkan nilai-nilai keadilan. Penelitian ini menggunakan model kajian kepustakaan. Peneliti melakukan inventarisasi data melalui wawancara dan observasi lapangan serta dari berbagai literatur yang mendukung objek penelitian. Selanjutnya peneliti akan mengolah data tersebut kemudian mengklasifikasikannya. Pada tahapan terakhir data tersebut akan dianalisis secara deskriptif agar mendapat pemahaman melalui metode reflektif-filosofis. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan bahwa prosedur operasional kasir Plaza BI sudah dirancang dengan baik. Namun, dalam prakteknya prosedur operasional srandar Plaza BI belum dijalankan dengan baik. Dalam tinjauan prinsip keadilan etika bisnis, prosedur operasional standar belum memenuhi prinsip keadilan, yakni keadilan ditributif, keadilan retributif, dan keadilan komutatif.

The very rapid development of the industry has spurred business actors to become more competitive and innovative. A business can run well if the relationship between employees and superiors goes well, therefore regulations are needed to regulate these relationships. Standard Operating Procedures exist as a forum for managing employee obligations and rights. Plaza BI Standard Operating Procedures cashier is the material object of this research, while the principle of justice in business ethics is the formal object. The purpose of this research is expected to provide a good understanding of Standard Operating Procedures in business activities by considering the values of fairness. This research uses a literature review model. Researchers conducted an inventory of data through interviews and field observations as well as from various literatures that support the research object. Furthermore, the researcher will process the data and then classify it. In the last stage, the data will be analyzed descriptively in order to gain understanding through the reflective-philosophical method. The results showed that the Plaza BI cashier operational procedures were well designed. However, in practice Plaza BI's standard operational procedures have not been implemented properly. In reviewing the principles of fairness in business ethics, standard operating procedures have not met the principles of justice, namely attributive justice, retributive justice and commutative justice.

Kata Kunci : Prosedur Operasional Standar, Plaza BI, Prinsip Keadilan, Etika Bisnis

  1. S1-2020-379377-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2020-379377-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2020-379377-tableofcontents.pdf  
  4. S1-2020-379377-title.pdf