Novel Keluarga Cemara 1 Karya Arswendo Atmowiloto dalam Perspektif Aksiologi
NINDYA RIZQI ANISA, Dra. Hj. Jirzanah, M.Hum
2020 | Skripsi | S1 FILSAFATPenelitian dengan judul Novel Keluarga Cemara 1 Karya Arswendo Atmowiloto dalam Perspektif Aksiologi adalah penelitian historis faktual mengenai naskah atau buku dengan novel Keluarga Cemara 1 sebagai objek material serta penggolongan dan hierarki nilai dari Aksiologi sebagai objek formal. Novel Keluarga Cemara 1 termasuk ke dalam novel yang ringan untuk dibaca oleh semua usia dan sarat akan nilai kehidupan terutama nilai moral yang dapat ditiru oleh para pembaca, selain itu novel Keluarga Cemara 1 adalah novel best seller serta terkenal melalui sinetron televisi Indonesia kala itu dan merupakan karya fiksi yang kisahnya tidak dapat ditemukan di kehidupan nyata. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah Menjelaskan resensi novel yang terkandung dalam novel Keluarga Cemara 1 dan menganalisis konsep penggolongan serta hierarki nilai dalam Aksiologi terhadap novel Keluarga Cemara 1. Model penelitian ini adalah tentang analisis nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam novel Keluarga Cemara 1 karya Arswendo Atmowiloto dengan menggunakan sudut pandang Aksiologi dan diperkuat dengan studi pustaka. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah hermeneutik. Hasil yang dicapai dari penelitian ini berupa uraian deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan interpretasi, induksi dan deduksi, koherensi intern, serta holistika. Hasil analisis pertama dari penelitian adalah tentang konsep penggolongan nilai menurut Walter G Everett yang membagi nilai menjadi delapan, namun dalam novel Keluarga Cemara 1 hanya dapat ditemukan tujuh penggolongan nilai yaitu; nilai ekonomi, nilai hiburan, nilai sosial, nilai watak, nilai estetis, nilai intelektual, dan nilai keagamaan. Hasil analisis kedua dari penelitian adalah mengenai konsep hierarki nilai Max Scheler yang merupakan hasil preferensi dan penerapan lima kriteria. Hierarki nilai tersebut terbagi menjadi empat dan yang menduduki posisi paling atas dalam novel ini adalah nilai kejiwaan yang disejajarkan dengan nilai profan, dua nilai tersebut menduduki posisi paling atas dalam hierarki karena nilai kejiwaan paling mendominasi, sifatnya abadi, dan menjadi dasar bagi nilai lainnya sedangkan nilai profan mendasari nilai kejiwaan karena semua nilai kejiwaan seperti nilai moral yang menjadi sumber ajaran kebaikan dari Tuhan.
Research with the title Cemara Family 1 novels by Arswendo Atmowiloto in the Axiology Perspective is a factual historical research on manuscripts or books with Cemara Family 1 novels as a material object and the classification and hierarchies of values from Axiology as a formal object. Cemara Family 1 novels is included in a light novel to be read by all ages and full of life values, especially moral values that can be imitated by readers, besides Cemara Family 1 novels are best seller novels and are well-known through Indonesian television soap operas at the time and are fictional works whose stories cannot be found in real life. The purpose of this study is to explain the novel review contained in the Cemara Family 1 novels and analyze the concept of classification and hierarchy of values in the Axiology of the Cemara Family 1 novels. The model of this research is the analysis of the values contained in the Cemara Family 1 novels by Arswendo Atmowiloto using Axiology viewing angle and reinforced with literature. The method used is hermeneutics. The outcome of this research is a descriptive analysis with qualitative approach. Analysis of the data used in this study is by interpretation, induction and deduction, internal coherence, and holistic. Results of the study is the first analysis of the concept of classification according to Walter G Everett value that divides into eight grades, but in the Cemara Family 1 novels only has seven classifications of values that is; economic value, entertainment value, social value, the characteristic value, aesthetic value, the value of the intellectual, and religious values. The results of a second analysis of the study is the concept of a hierarchy of values Max Scheler is the result of preference and application of the five criteria. The hierarchy of values is divided into four and occupying the top position in this novel is the value of psychiatric aligned with the value of the profane, two values that occupy the top position in the hierarchy because the value of psychiatric most dominating, its eternal, and became the basis for other value while the value profane underlying mental values because all psychological values such as moral values are the source of the teachings of goodness from God. Research with the title Cemara Family 1 novels by Arswendo Atmowiloto in the Axiology Perspective is a factual historical research on manuscripts or books with Cemara Family 1 novels as a material object and the classification of values and hierarchies of values from Axiology as a formal object. Cemara Family 1 novels is included in a light novel to be read by all ages and is full of life values, especially moral values that can be imitated by readers, besides Cemara Family 1 novels are best seller novels and are well-known through Indonesian television soap operas at the time and are fictional works whose stories cannot be found in real life. The purpose of this study is to explain the novel review contained in the Cemara Family 1 novels and analyze the concept of classification and hierarchy of values in the Axiology of the Cemara Family 1 novels. The model of this research is the analysis of the values contained in the Cemara Family 1 novels works Arswendo Atmowiloto using Axiology viewing angle and reinforced with literature. The method used is hermeneutics. The outcome of this research is a descriptive analysis with qualitative approach. Analysis of the data used in this study is by interpretation, induction and deduction, internal coherence, and holistic. Results of the study is the first analysis of the concept of classification according to Walter G Everett value that divides into eight grades, but in the Cemara Family 1 novels only has seven classifications of values that is; economic value, entertainment value, social value, the characteristic value, aesthetic value, the value of the intellectual, and religious values. The results of a second analysis of the study is the concept of a hierarchy of values Max Scheler is the result of preference and application of the five criteria. The hierarchy of values is divided into four and occupying the top position in this novel is the value of psychiatric aligned with the value of the profane, two values that occupy the top position in the hierarchy because the value of psychiatric most dominating, its eternal, and became the basis for other value while the value profane underlying mental values because all psychological values such as moral values are the source of the teachings of goodness from God.
Kata Kunci : Novel Keluarga Cemara 1, Aksiologi, nilai kehidupan keluarga / Cemara Family 1 novels, Axiology, family life values.