ASTRI PRABA SHINTA, dr. Lutfan Lazuardi, M.Kes,Ph.D.; Dr. Leny Latifah, S.Psi,Psi, MPH.
2017 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Kesehatan MasyarakatLatar Belakang: Obesitas telah menjadi masalah kesehatan global karena terjadi hampir di seluruh dunia. Pencegahan terjadinya obesitas pada kelompok remaja di Kota Yogyakarta yang memiliki jumlah obesitas tertinggi dibandingkan dengan kabupaten lainnya yaitu sebesar 14,2% pada usia 5-12 tahun. Perilaku akan kesadaran dalam menjaga kesehatan dapat diciptakan melalui peningkatan pengetahuan yang diharapkan dapat menurunkan kejadian obesitas pada remaja. Tujuan: Mengetahui keefektifan penggunaan pop up book tentang pencegahan obesitas sebagai media pendidikan kesehatan terhadap tingkat pengetahuan dan asupan zat gizi pada siswa SMP di Kota Yogyakarta. Metode: Jenis penelitian quasi experimental dengan rancangan pre dan post test. Penelitian ini membagi kelompok eksperimen menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok intervensi yang diberikan pendidikan kesehatan melalui media pop up book dan kelompok kontrol yang diberikan pendidikan kesehatan melalui media booklet. Data pengetahuan diperoleh dari kuesioner pre dan post test, data asupan zat gizi responden diperoleh dari hasil food recall 3x24 jam diolah menggunakan Software Nutrisurvey. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan pendidikan kesehatan baik melalui media booklet maupun pop up book (p<0,05). Tidak terdapat perbedaan tingkat pengetahuan antara kelompok booklet dan pop up book (p>0,05). Pendidikan kesehatan yang dilakukan pada kelompok booklet dan pop up book memberikan pengaruh terhadap asupan zat gizi berupa penurunan asupan energi, kerbohidrat, protein, dan lemak serta peningkatan asupan serat. Terdapat perbedaan asupan protein dan serat sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan pendidikan kesehatan melalui media pop up book (p<0,05). Kesimpulan: Pendidikan kesehatan tentang pencegahan obesitas melalui media pop up book memberikan pengaruh terhadap pengetahuan dan asupan zat gizi berupa peningkatan pengetahuan, penurunan asupan energi, kerbohidrat, protein, dan lemak serta peningkatan asupan serat. Terdapat perbedaan tingkat pengetahuan, asupan protein, dan asupan serat sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan pendidikan kesehatan melalui media pop up book.
Background: Obesity has turned into a global health issue because it occurs nearly everywhere in the world. Prevention of teenage obesity in Special Province of Yogyakarta (DIY) needs to be done as early as possible, especially in the city of Yogyakarta which has the highest rate of obesity compared to other districts, 14,2% within the 5-12 years age group. Behavioral awareness in maintaining their health can be created through increase in knowledge, which is expected to decrease the obesity rates in teenagers. Aim: To find out the effectiveness using pop up book (about prevention of obesity) as a medium to educate health towards the level of knowledge and nutrient intake of junior high school students in Yogyakarta. Method: Quasi experimental with a pre and post test. This research splits the experimental groups into 2, intervention group who was given health education using pop up book as the media and a control group who was given health education using booklet as the media. Data on knowledge were obtained from pre and post test questionnaire, respondents nutrient intake data was obtained from food recall 3x24 hours, processed using Software Nutrisurvey. Result: There is a difference in level of knowledge before and after health education whether using booklet or pop up book as the media (p<0,05). There is no difference in the level of knowledge between booklet group and pop up book group (p>0,05). Health education that was given to booklet group and pop up book group gave an effect on nutrient intake, decreased energy intake, carbohydrate, protein and fat as well as an increase in fibre intake. There is a difference in protein and fibre intake before and after health education was given using pop up book as the media (p>0,05) Conclusion: Health education about preventing obesity through pop up book gave an effect towards knowlege and nutrient intake. There was an increase in knowledge, decrease in energy intake, carbohydrate, protein and fat as well as a decrease in fibre intake. There is a difference in the level of knowledge, protein intake and fibre intake before and after health education was given using pop up book as the media.
Kata Kunci : Obesitas, Pop up book, Pengetahuan, Asupan zat gizi, Pendidikan kesehatan, Obesity, Pop up book, Knowledge, Nutrient intake, Health education