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NURUL SRI HARDIYANTI, DR. Ingmar van Meerkerk; Prof. Ir. Bakti Setiawan, M.A., Ph.D

2015 | Tesis | S2 Perencanaan Kota dan Daerah

Studi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pentingnya manajemen titik pertemuan antar organisasi dalam melaksanakan manajemen kolaborasi. Dalam hal ini, penelitian ini fokus kepada boundary spanning pada program sanitasi perkotaan berbasis masyarakat (SPBM-USRI) di Kota Makassar. Pemerintah Kota Makassar berharap pelaksanaan SPBM-USRI akan berjalan sukses. Namun, ternyata mereka dihadapkan pada hasil performa program yang berbeda-beda. Peneliti melaksanakan studi ini dari pendekatan konsep boundary spanning dengan didasarkan oleh beberapa pertimbangan, antara lain: bentuk manajemen kolaborasi antara pemerintah daerah dengan masyarakat menjadi tren saat ini, program tersebut mensyaratkan interaksi antara organisasi masyarakat dan pemerintah daerah, studi-studi terdahulu telah membuktikan pentingnya aktivitas-aktivitas boundary spanning pada jaringan para manajer atau meta-governors dan juga pada proses kolaborasi terhadap kepercayaan dan performa dari jaringan pemerintahan (Williams, 2002, Gull, Rashid, et al., 2014, Klijn, Steijn, et al., 2010, S�¸rensen and Torfing, 2005, van Meerkerk and Edelenbos, 2014). Lebih lanjut, studi ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kontribusi berupa penjelasan tentang faktor penting aktivitas boundary spanning pada tingkat individu terhadap kepercayaan dan performa program sanitasi perkotaan berbasis masyarakat. Single embedded case study dipilih didalam melakukan studi ini dan analisis kualitatif digunakan untuk menguji hubungan penting antara aktivitas boundary spanning pada tingkat individu terhadap kepercayaan dan performa program. Sebagai hasilnya, studi ini memperoleh beberapa temuan, sebagai berikut: perbedaan kualitas boundary spanning terjadi karena adanya perbedaan pencapaian hasil dari aktivitas boundary spanning; keberadaan dan integrasi dari ketrampilan dan kompetensi boundary spanning akan berkontribusi pada sejauh mana aktivitas boundary spanning dapat terjadi; hubungan sebab-akibat antara tingkat kondisi boundary spanner terhadap kepercayaan dan performa program ditentukan oleh perbedaan kualitas aktivitas boundary spanning; para boundary spanner direkrut berdasarkan fungsi mereka dalam menghubungkan orang dan proses menyeberangi garis batas (boundary), serta pelaksanaan dari program berbasis masyarakat mensyaratkan agar pemimpin masyarakat juga bertindak sebagai boundary spanner eksternal. Pada kondisi ketika pemimpin masyarakat tersebut tidak dapat bertindak sebagai boundary spanner eksternal, perekruitan boundary spanner akan diadakan melalui kegiatan rembug warga tambahan dengan mempertimbangkan pengalaman dan intensitas para calon boundary spanners untuk berhubungan dengan pihak pemerintah kota. Untuk studi selanjutnya, perlu dilakukan studi sejenis pada program sektor lain. Disamping itu, penting juga untuk melaksanakan studi serupa dengan menggunakan aktivitas/tak-tik boundary spanning lainnya, seperti: buffering, reflecting dan transforming. Lebih lanjut, studi serupa juga dapat dilakukan pada unit analisis dimana semua boundary spanner berada pada posisi yang sama, sebagai contoh: semua boundary spanner adalah pemimpin masyarakat.

This research was motivated by the importance of interface management among organizations in collaborative management. In this respect, this research focuses on boundary spanning in a community based-urban sanitation project in the case of Makassar City, Indonesia which community participation was required. Makassar City Government expected that the implementation of SPBM-USRI Project would be success. However, they faced different performance results of the project performance. I decided conducting this research based on the perspective of boundary spanning concept which is supported by some reasons: first, the form of collaborative management between local government and CBO becomes mainstreamed. Second, the collaborative management in SPBM-USRI Project required the interaction between CBOs and local government, in which the interaction is located in the complex situation. Third, previous studies have proven on the importance of boundary spanning activities in network managers or meta-governors as well as in the collaborative process to trust and the performance of governance networks (Williams, 2002, Gull, Rashid, et al., 2014, Klijn, Steijn, et al., 2010, S�¸rensen and Torfing, 2005, van Meerkerk and Edelenbos, 2014).This research was motivated by the importance of interface management among organizations in collaborative management. In this respect, this research focuses on boundary spanning in a community based-urban sanitation project in the case of Makassar City, Indonesia which community participation was required. Makassar City Government expected that the implementation of SPBM-USRI Project would be success. However, they faced different performance results of the project performance. I decided conducting this research based on the perspective of boundary spanning concept which is supported by some reasons: first, the form of collaborative management between local government and CBO becomes mainstreamed. Second, the collaborative management in SPBM-USRI Project required the interaction between CBOs and local government, in which the interaction is located in the complex situation. Third, previous studies have proven on the importance of boundary spanning activities in network managers or meta-governors as well as in the collaborative process to trust and the performance of governance networks (Williams, 2002, Gull, Rashid, et al., 2014, Klijn, Steijn, et al., 2010, S�¸rensen and Torfing, 2005, van Meerkerk and Edelenbos, 2014). Furthermore, this research is aimed to contribute to the search for explanatory essential condition of boundary spanning activities on individual level which influences trust and project performance in community based-urban sanitation project. A single embedded case study is selected to conduct this study and a qualitative analysis is used to examine the relationship essential condition of boundary spanning activities on individual level to trust and project performance. As a result, this study found some significant findings, as follows: the different quality of boundary spanning occurs due to the differences of boundary spanning result achievement; the presence as well as the integration of boundary spanning skills and competencies contribute to what extent the boundary spanning activities occur; a caused effect correlation of individual boundary spanner level condition to trust and project is determined by different quality of boundary spanning activities boundary spanners are recruited based on their functions to connecting people and connecting process across boundaries, and the implementation of community based project requires community leaders to act as an external boundary spanners. In condition when the community leaders cannot act as external boundary spanners, the recruitment will be held through an additional community meeting by considering the experiences and the intensiveness of those individuals connect and contact to government public managers. For future studies, I recommend to conduct similar study for other project sector. Besides, this is also important for future studies to conduct similar study by using different boundary spanning activities/tactics: buffering, reflecting and transforming. In addition, it is also important to conduct a similar study in the analysis unit where boundary spanners were located in same position, such as all external boundary spanners are community leaders.

Kata Kunci : boundary spanning activities, trust, project performance, condition on individual, community based project

  1. S2-2015-360343-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2015-360343-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2015-360343-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2015-360343-title.pdf