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Peningkatan Loyalitas Konsumen Restoran All You Can Eat Melalui Brand Awareness, Customer Engagement dan Kepuasan Dalam Sosial Media Restoran

VINCENTIUS KENNY, Dr. Ir. Dyah Ismoyowati, M.Sc; Dr. Agung Putra Pamungkas, STP, M.Agr


Kini teknologi yang sudah jauh berkembang, tentunya telah mengubah aktivitas promosi. Aktivitas promosi menjadi tidak terhalang oleh jarak dan tentunya dimanfaatkan oleh para pelaku bisnis, salah satunya yaitu restoran Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan loyalitas konsumen restoran all you can eat melalui brand awareness, customer engagement dan kepuasan dalam sosial media restoran. Dalam penelitian ini, jumlah responden minimal dihitung menggunakan rumus Slovin dan kuesioner disebar melalui media online secara acak kepada para pengikut akun Instagram Pachi-Pachi dan kemudian data hasil kuesioner diolah melalui model yang dibuat berdasarkan metode SEMPLS. Setelah data tersebut dilakukan uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, dan uji model structural, didapatkan data yang digunakan untuk menjawab hipotesis. Didapatkan bahwa Brand awareness bermanfaat untuk menarik perhatian konsumen dan customer engagement berperan untuk melibatkan konsumen dalam aktivitas bisnis sehingga konsumen merasa memiliki ikatan dengan brand. Kepuasan terhadap sosial media memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan dan bersifat positif terhadap loyalitas pelanggan karena media sosial digunakan sebagai alat untuk berkomunikasi antara pihak brand dan pelanggan yang pada akhirnya akan menjadi faktor pengambilan keputusan oleh pelanggan terkait loyalitasnya terhadap brand. Untuk meningkatkan customer engagement, tim media sosial Pachi-Pachi harus memperbaiki waktu, konsistensi dalam menunggah konten Instastory, memanfaatkan fitur stiker interaktif pada Instastory, dan memunculkan transparansi bisnis

Now the technology that has been far developed, of course, has changed business activities. Promotional activities are not hindered by distance and are certainly used by businesspeople, one of which is restaurants. This research was conducted to increase customer loyalty in all you can eat at restaurants through brand awareness, customer engagement and satisfaction in restaurant social media. In this study, the minimum number of respondents was calculated using the Slovin formula and the questionnaire was distributed through online media randomly to the followers of the Pachi-Pachi Instagram account and then the data from the questionnaire was processed through a model based on the SEMPLS method. After the data was tested for validity, reliability testing, and structural model testing, the data obtained were used to answer the hypothesis. It is found that brand awareness is useful for attracting consumer attention and customer engagement plays a role in involving consumers in business activities so that consumers feel they have a bond with the brand. Satisfaction with social media has a significant and positive influence on customer loyalty because social media is used as a tool to communicate between the brand and the customer which in turn will be a decision-making factor by customers regarding their loyalty to the brand. To increase customer engagement, the Pachi-Pachi social media team must improve time, consistency in uploading Instastory content, take advantage of the interactive sticker feature on Instastory, and increase business transparency.

Kata Kunci : Brand awareness, customer engagement, kepuasan, loyalitas, sosial media

  1. S1-2023-431464-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-431464-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-431464-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-431464-title.pdf