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From Procedural Acceptance - Towards Systemic Landscape: Redefining the Effect of Amicus Curiae in the Investor-State Dispute Settlement

PRIMUS AZRA ALFARISI, Irna Nurhayati, S.H., M.Hum., LL.M., Ph.D.

2023 | Skripsi | S1 HUKUM

Penelitian hukum ini memiliki dua tujuan. Pertama, untuk menganalisis bagaimana partisipasi amicus curiae dalam mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa investor-negara (ISDS) berdampak terhadap hak-hak prosedural pihak bersengketa, dengan memodifikasi struktur pada proses arbitrase. Kedua, untuk menganalisis bagaimana informasi yang diberikan oleh amicus curiae memiliki dampak sistemik terhadap ranah perumusan kebijakan ISDS. Penelitian hukum ini menggunakan pendekatan hukum normatif dan pertanyaan mengenai partisipasi amicus curiae akan ditinjau berdasarkan praktik internasional. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen hukum internasional seperti ICSID Convention and UNCITRAL Rules of Transparency in Treaty Based Arbitration, yang kemudian diperkuat oleh yurisprudensi dari putusan arbitrase investasi internasional. Hasil penelitian menujukan bahwa: Pertama, partisipasi amicus curiae menimbulkan resiko terhadap hak-hak prosedural pihak bersengketa. Hal ini akibatkan oleh sifat partisipasi amicus curiae yang dapat mengurangi hak pihak bersengketa untuk menggunakan perjanjian kerahasiaan, mengurangi efisiensi dan rasa keadilan apabila pihak ketiga bersifat agresif, serta memungkinkan pihak ketiga untuk mengajukan pertanyaan terkait yurisdiksi. Kedua, partisipasi amicus curiae akan memberikan dampak positif terhadap ranah sistemik ISDS pada level perumusan kebijakan dengan memfasilitasi interaksi dengan rezim hukum internasional lainnya, serta dengan meningkatkan legitimasi ISDS pada komunitas internasional.

This legal research has two purposes. First, to analyze how the participation of amicus curiae in the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) affects the procedural rights of disputing parties, by modifying the structure of the arbitration process. Second, to analyze how information obtained from the amicus curiae will affect the systemic policy-making contour of ISDS. This legal research utilizes a normative approach and asssessed the main issues of amicus curiae participation as reasoned from international practices. The research takes advantage of the international framework such as ICSID Convention and UNCITRAL Rules of Transparency in Treaty-Based Arbitration, which further corroborated with jurisprudence from investor-state arbitration. The research result shows that: First, the participation of amicus curiae triggers possible jeopardy towards the procedural rights of disputing parties. This occurs because of how amicus curiae decrease disputing parties capacity to invoke the notion of confidentiality and further enables third-party to initiate jurisdictional question. Moreover, the possible hostile positioning by amicus curiae will affect the fairness and efficiency of the arbitration process. Second, the amicus curiae positively bolster the systemic contour of ISDS, by facilitating the interaction with other international legal regime, and further enhancing the legitimacy of the system. This occurs because of how the amicus curiae will prevent fragmentation of international law, and integrate a wider array of interests into the tribunal decision-making process.

Kata Kunci : International Arbitration, Investor-State Dispute Settlement, Amicus Curiae, Procedural Rights, Public Interest

  1. S1-2023-423763-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-423763-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-423763-tableofcontents.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-423763-title.pdf