Laporkan Masalah


M THORIQ AUFAR, Prof. Dr. Faruk, H.T., S.U.

2022 | Tesis | MAGISTER SASTRA

Sastra Indonesia modern terbentuk atas beragam model estetika yang berangkat dari satuan ideologi. Berdasarkan proses sejarahnya, ideologi sastra universal menempati posisi dominan. Ideologi tersebut selalu berkontestasi dalam gelanggang kesusastraan Indonesia untuk memperebutkan comon sense. Sastra universal melakukan praktik hegemoni secara kontinu untuk mempertahankan posisinya. Sastra kontekstual muncul sebagai gerakan yang menolak hegemoni sastra universal dengan melakukan hegemoni tandingan. Arief Budiman dan Ariel Heryanto menjadi dalang dalam gerakan tersebut. Keduanya beranggapan bahwa dominasi sastra perlu dipertanyakan ulang dan memosisikan sastra sebagaimana kebudayaan yang netral. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelaah problematika antara hegemoni sastra universal dengan hegemoni tandingan sastra kontekstual dalam wilayah kesusastraan Indonesia berdasarkan pendekatan teori Gramsci. Permasalahan yang dibongkar meliputi (1) kerangka ideologi dan geneologi sastra universal, (2) praktik hegemoni sastra universal, (3) kemunculan dan kerangka ideologi sastra kontekstual, serta (4) strategi hegemoni tandingan gerakan sastra kontekstual. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ideologi universal berkelindan dengan humanisme dan modernisme model Barat. Ideologi tersebut hadir sejalan dengan geneologi sastra Indonesia modern yang lahir di era pemerintahan Hindia Belanda. Sastra universal secara terus-menerus melakukan hegemoni untuk mempertahankan statusnya sebagai pemegang yang sah atas sastra Indonesia modern. Berdasarkan fenomena tersebut, sastra kontekstual muncul secara spontan untuk menentang dominasi sastra universal. Sastra kontekstual terbeban pada ideologi pluralisme yang dijadikan sebagai alat untuk mengakomodir kelompok-kelompok subordinat dalam sastra Indonesia. Populism yang berhasil dibentuk, bergerak melakukan hegemoni tandingan dengan jalan war of position atau jalan kontestasi ideologi, moral, intelektual, dan kultural.

Modern Indonesian literature is formed from a variety of aesthetics rooted in ideological units. Based on the historical process, the ideology of universal literature occupies a dominant position. This ideology is always contested in the Indonesian literary arena to fight for common sense of society. Universal literature practices hegemony continuously to maintain its dominant position. Contextual literature emerged as a movement that rejected universal literary hegemony by carrying out a counter hegemony. Arief Budiman and Ariel Heryanto were the masterminds in the movement. They assume that literary dominance must be criticized and put the position of literature as a neutral cultural product. This study aims to examine the problems between the hegemony of universal literature and the counter hegemony of the contextual literary movement in the Indonesian literary area based on Gramsci's theoretical approach. The problems that were uncovered included (1) the ideological and geneological framework of universal literature, (2) the practice of hegemony from universal literature, (3) the emergence and ideological framework of contextual literature, and (4) the strategy of counter hegemony in the contextual literary movement. The results of this research show that the ideology of universal literature is related to the Western model of humanism and modernism. These ideologies are present in the geneology of modern Indonesian literature which was formed in the colonial era of the Dutch East Indies. Universal literature continues to practice hegemony to maintain its status as the rightful holder of modern Indonesian literature. Based on this phenomenon, contextual literature appears spontaneously to oppose the domination of universal literature. Contextual literature has an understanding of pluralism which is used as a tool to accommodate subordinate groups in Indonesian literature. Populism that has been successfully formed carries out a counter hegemonic movement by means of a war of position or ideological, moral, intellectual, and cultural contestation.

Kata Kunci : Hegemony, Universal Literature, Counter Hegemony, Contextual Literature

  1. S2-2022-434527-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2022-434527-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2022-434527-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2022-434527-title.pdf