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Evaluasi Tata Pameran Museum Geoteknologi Mineral

ANJAR LAKSITA MUKTI, Dra. Djaliati Sri Nugrahani, M.A.

2022 | Skripsi | S1 ARKEOLOGI

Museum Geoteknologi Mineral merupakan salah satu museum khusus di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta yang menyajikan informasi terkait ilmu-ilmu kebumian melalui pameran tetap. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penilaian terhadap aspek tata pameran Museum Geoteknologi Mineral didasarkan pada persepsi pengungjung serta acuan tata pamer menurut Direktorat Museum dan ICOM. Aspek tata pamer yang digunakan meliputi konsep pameran, alur cerita (storyline), pengadaan koleksi, teknik dan metode pameran, serta sarana dan biaya pameran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif evaluatif. Data penelitian didapatkan dari hasil observasi, kuesioner, dan wawancara. Hasil evaluasi berdasar persepsi pengunjung menunjukkan tata pameran Museum Geoteknologi sudah cukup menarik. Hasil perbandingan antara tata pameran dengan acuan tata pameran Direktorat Museum mendapat skor akhir 38 dan masuk ke dalam kategori cukup. Sementara perbandingan tata pameran Museum Geoteknologi Mineral mendapat skor akhir 26 dan masuk ke dalam kategori cukup. Secara keseluruhan, penyajian tata pameran museum sudah cukup memadai. Namun, berdasarkan keseluruhan evaluasi aspek penataan dan penyajian tata pameran, pencahayaan, dan sirkulasi udara masih kurang maksimal sehingga menjadi prioritas untuk diperbaiki.

The Mineral Geotechnology Museum is one of the particular museums in the Special Region of Yogyakarta that presents information related to the earth sciences through permanent exhibitions. This study aims to provide an assessment of the exhibition arrangement aspects of the Mineral Geotechnology Museum, which is based on visitors perception and based the reference of exhibition procedures according to the Directorate of Museums and ICOM. The aspects of the exhibition system used include the concept of the exhibition, storyline, procurement of collections, exhibition techniques and methods, and exhibition facilities and costs. This study uses a descriptive evaluative method. The research data are obtained from observations, questionnaires, and interviews. The results of the evaluation based on the perception of visitors showed that the layout of the Geotechnology Museum exhibition was quite interesting. The results of the comparison between the exhibition arrangement and Directorate of Museums exhibition systems obtained a final score of 38 and is included in the sufficient category. Meanwhile, the comparison between the exhibition arrangement and ICOM exhibition system reference received a total score of 26 and is included in the sufficient category. Overall, the presentation of the museum exhibition arrangement is quite adequate. However, based on the overall evaluation, the aspects of exhibition arrangement, lighting, and air circulation are still not optimal, so it becomes a priority to be repaired immediately.

Kata Kunci : evaluasi, tata pameran, museum Geoteknologi Mineral/evaluation, exhibition, The Mineral Geotechnology Museum

  1. S1-2022-409959-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2022-409959-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2022-409959-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2022-409959-title.pdf