Laporkan Masalah


THERESIA NINA N, Prof Dr Adi Utarini, MSc,MPH ; Dr Trisasi Lestari, MMedSc


Latar belakang : Instalasi Gawat Darurat (IGD) dan Instalasi Rawat Jalan (IRJ) rumah sakit adalah salah satu lini terdepan penanganan pasien yang cenderung memiliki kompleksitas permasalahan, baik terkait sumber daya manusia petugas dan pasien, sarana dan akses, prosedur pelayanan yang dituntut serba cepat. Menyikapi situasi pandemi COVID-19 yang berlangsung sejak bulan Februari 2020 di Indonesia, IGD dan IRJ adalah salah satu unit terdampak yang memerlukan berbagai penyesuain prosedur layanan hingga tuntutan kecepatan, ketepatan dan keamanan. Permasalahan yang masih menjadi rutin terjadi di RS Mitra Masyarakat adalah terkait situasi bottleneck terhadap lonjakan kasus darurat termasuk COVID-19 itu sendiri. Mempertimbangkan situasi tersebut, maka RS Mitra Masyarakat secara aktif menerapkan protokol kesehatan dan layanan dengan tujuan mitigasi risiko penularan pasien COVID-19 dapat diminimalisir dengan fokus eksplorasi dan evaluasi kinerja pelayanan rumah sakit terhadap pasien dalam pengawasan covid-19. Tujuan : Eksplorasi dan evaluasi kinerja pelayanan pasien dalam pengawasan COVID-19 di RS Mitra Masyarakat. Metode penelitian : Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan descriptive qualitiative dengan pengambilan data observasi pada sampel Pasien Dalam Pengawasan COVID-19, in depth interview pada sampel purposif periode Juni 2021, dan dokumen sekunder rekam medis dan pendukung lainnya. Analisis data kualitatif dengan metode framework analysis melalui triangulasi sumber data dan data observasi. Hasil dan Pembahasan : Evaluasi komponen input-proses-outcome mutu tangible-reliable-responsiveness-assurance-emphaty terhadap kinerja pelayanan covid di RSMM menurut mayoritas 17 responden sudah berjalan cukup baik. Hal ini sejalan dengan teori Donabedian yang menyebutkan bahwa hubungan antara input dan proses yang baik akan memungkinkan terjadinya output/outcome yang baik dan sesuai harapan. Beberapa temuan kendala minor terkait perbaikan fasilitasi, sosialisasi kebijakan-SPO covid kurang konsisten dan komprehensif, edukasi dan sosialisasi covid ke masyarakat kurang intensif, tim security yang kurang responsif dan cepat. Kesimpulan dan Saran : Kinerja pelayanan covid di RSMM menurut pendekatan input-proses-outcome Donabedian sudah berjalan cukup baik. Saran perbaikan fasilitas, sosialisasi dan implementasi SPO lebih konsisten, dan perbaikan koordinasi internal security yang cepat dan responsif.

Background : Emergency Department (ED) and Outpatient Department (OD) both are frontline service area to handle patient in Hospital setting which have few complex problem, such as human resources whether health worker or patient itself, facility and access, and service procedure which was demanding to be served in fast respond. Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic situation that has been going on since February 2020 in Indonesia, the ED and OD are one of the affected units that require various adjustments to service procedures to the demands of speed, accuracy and security. Problems that are still routine at Mitra Masyarakat Hospital are related to the bottleneck situation for the surge in emergency cases, including COVID-19 itself. Considering this situation, Mitra Masyarakat Hospital is actively implementing health protocols and services with the aim of mitigating the risk of transmission of COVID-19 patients to be minimized by focusing on exploring and evaluating the performance of hospital services for patients under Covid-19 surveillance. Objective : Exploration and evaluation of patient service performance under COVID-19 supervision at Mitra Masyarakat Hospital. Method : This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach by collecting observational data on a sample of Patients Under COVID-19 Surveillance, in-depth interviews on a purposive sample for the period of June 2021, and secondary documents from medical records and other supporting documents. Qualitative data analysis with framework analysis method through triangulation of data sources and observation data. Result : The evaluation of the input-process-outcome component of tangible-reliable-responsiveness-assurance-emphaty on the performance of covid services at RSMM according to the majority of 17 respondents has gone quite well. This is inline with Donabedian's theory which states that a good relationship between input and process will enable good and expected outputs/outcomes. Some of the findings of minor obstacles related to improving facilitation, socialization of the COVID-19 SOP policies were less consistent and comprehensive, education and socialization of covid to the community was less intensive, the security team was less responsive and fast. Conclusion : According to Donabedian's input-process-outcome approach, the Covid service performance at RSMM has been going quite well. Suggestions for improving facilities, socializing and implementing more consistent SOPs, and improving fast and responsive internal security coordination

Kata Kunci : Service performance, Covid-19, Service Quality, Emergency Installation, Outpatient Installation, Tangible-reliable-responsiveness-assurance-emphaty quality dimensions

  1. S2-2021-433571-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2021-433571-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2021-433571-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2021-433571-title.pdf