Laporkan Masalah


HAFIZH AMINULLAH, Dra. Siti Daulah Khoiriati, MA


Penundaan pelaksanaan Tokyo 2020 ke Juli 2021 merupakan yang pertama kali terjadi dalam sejarah Olimpiade. Dalam tulisan ini penulis hendak meneliti interaksi antar kelompok kepentingan dan posisinya terhadap 3 opsi kebijakan terkait Olimpiade Tokyo 2020 di masa pandemi Covid-19; melanjutkan, menunda, atau membatalkan. Untuk mempersempit dan menyederhanakan cakupan penelitian, penulis hanya mengambil tiga aktor yang penulis cukup signifikan, yaitu LDP yang merepresentasikan pemerintah Jepang, JOC yang merupakan perpanjangan IOC sebagai otoritas tertinggi dalam penyelenggaraan Olimpiade dan JMA sebagai otoritas dan advokat kesehatan selama pandemi Covid-19 di Jepang. Data diambil dari pidato resmi, pernyataan aktor di publik dan media, situs resmi organisasi aktor terkait, portal berita dan jurnal penelitian yang kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif interpretatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, kecenderungan aktor terhadap suatu kebijakan akan berubah sesuai dengan kondisi pandemi dan respon aktor lain di kondisi tersebut. LDP dan JOC yang di awal memiliki kepercayaan diri untuk melanjutkan Olimpiade sesuai jadwal kemudian berubah sikap menyusul tekanan eksternal untuk menunda bahkan membatalkan. JMA di sisi lain memberikan sinyal penolakan meskipun tidak ditunjukkan secara eksplisit.

The postponement of Tokyo 2020 to July 2021 is the first time in Olympic history. In this paper, the author wants to examine the interaction between interest groups and their positions on 3 policy options related to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics during the Covid-19 pandemic; continue, postpone, or cancel. To narrow and simplify the scope of the research, the authors only take three actors whose roles are quite significant, namely the LDP which represents the Japanese government, the JOC which is an extension of the IOC as the highest authority in organizing the Olympics, and the JMA as an authority and health advocate during the Covid-19 pandemic in Japan. Data were taken from official speeches, statements of actors in public and media, official websites of related actor organizations, news portals, and research journals which were then analyzed interpretive qualitative. The results of the study show that the tendency of actors towards a policy will change according to pandemic conditions and the response of other actors in these conditions. The LDP and JOC, which initially had the confidence to resume the Games as scheduled, changed their attitude following external pressure to postpone or even cancel the event. JMA on the other hand gives a rejection signal even though it is not explicitly indicated.

Kata Kunci : Olimpiade Tokyo 2020, kelompok kepentingan, Pandemi Covid-19.

  1. S1-2021-367125-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2021-367125-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2021-367125-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2021-367125-title.pdf