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ARDYA ISTI P., Dr. Heny Suseani P., S.Kp., M.Kes; Dr. Christantie Effendy, S.Kp., M.Kes

2021 | Skripsi | S1 ILMU KEPERAWATAN

Latar Belakang: Pencegahan penyakit tidak menular menjadi salah satu indikator SDGs 2030. Universitas Gadjah Mada melalui Gadjah Mada Medical Center mengadakan medical check up gratis untuk pegawainya rutin setiap setahun sekali. Medical check up ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kesehatan pegawai Universitas Gadjah Mada agar dapat bekerja secara optimal. Dalam pelaksanaan medical check up, jumlah kunjungan pegawai hanya mencapai 49,8% yaitu 1.777 dari 3.565 pegawai yang ditargetkan. Oleh karena itu, pelaksanaan layanan medical check up untuk pegawai Universitas Gadjah Mada dirasa masih kurang maksimal. Tujuan Penelitian: Untuk mengetahui gambaran intensi pegawai Universitasi GadjahiMada menggunakan layanan medical check up di Gadjah Mada Medical Center. Metode: Penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan rancangan cross sectional. Penelitian dilakukan pada pegawai Universitas Gadjah Mada dengan area kerja Klaster Kedokteran-Kesehatan. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposif sampling. Jumlah responden penelitian mencapai 97 responden. Data diambil menggunakan instrumen MCU Intention Scale. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data univariat dan tematik sederhana. Hasil: Seluruh responden memiliki intensi tinggi dengan rata-rata total skor 4,33 (SD ± 0,43). Domain sikap memiliki nilai rata-rata yang paling tinggi yaitu 4,54 (SD ± 0.45) diikuti domain PBC yaitu 4,26 (SD ± 0,58). Sedangkan domain nilai subjektif memiliki nilai rata-rata paling rendah yaitu 4,20 (SD ± 0.54). Kesimpulan: Seluruh responden memiliki intensi tinggi terhadap layanan medical check-up di Gadjah Mada Medical Center.

Background: Prevention of non-communicable diseases is one of the indicators for SDGs 2030. Gadjah Mada University through the Gadjah Mada Medical Center holds free medical check-up for its employees regularly once a year. This medical check-up aims to evaluate the health of the employees so their performance remains optimal. In the implementation, amount of employee visits only reached 49,8%, namely 1.777 of the 3.565 targeted employees. Therefore, the implementation of medical check-up services for employees does not running optimally. Research Objectives: To identify the description of intentions of Gadjah Mada University's employees to use medical check up services at Gadjah Mada Medical Center. Method: Descriptive quantitative with cross sectional design research. The research was conducted on Gadjah Mada University's employees that work at medical cluster. Sampling that used in this research was purposive sampling technique. The number of respondents was 97 respondents. Data were taken using MCU Intention scale instrument. The research applied univariate and simple thematic data analysis. Result: All respondents had high intentions with an average total score 4,33 (SD ± 0,43). The attitude domain has the highest average value of 4,54 (SD ± 0.45) followed by the Perceived Behavioral Control (PBC) domain of 4,26 (SD ± 0,58). While the subjective domain has the lowest average value of 4,20 (SD ± 0.54). Conclusions: All respondents had high intention of medical check-up service in Gadjah Mada Medical Center.

Kata Kunci : Gadjah Mada Medical Center, intention, medical check-up, theory of planned behavior

  1. S1-2021-409093-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2021-409093-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2021-409093-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2021-409093-title.pdf